Example sentences of "whose [noun pl] [verb] been " in BNC.

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1 But voters whose preferences have been distributed between these two parties will have been doing no more than indicate acceptable alternatives , of which the basic pattern must have been , " Let that candidate of Party B have my vote IF and only IF my higher preference for this candidate of Party A has not been effective " .
2 County freeholders , often indiscriminately styled ‘ barons ’ , as indeed some of them were , whose estates had been erected into free baronies by a crown charter , were gentlemen landowners of the shire , the direct vassals of the crown , and most of them were fully conscious of holding a social position which demanded that they should not be seen to be in any man 's pocket .
3 It was the 1730s before the government stumped up compensation for those whose houses had been damaged or destroyed and among them was one James Sharp , ancestor of Jane , my great-grandmother , whom I still remember being taken to visit as a child .
4 At a deeper level it safeguards the feelings of those whose houses have been entered .
5 This is naturally most relevant in the case of employees whose skills have been overtaken by changing business patterns and the increasing use of new technology and who have fallen victim to redundancy or reorganisation plans .
6 It was understandably difficult for those whose views had been formed in a period of high unemployment to shift them radically and swiftly .
7 However , his conception of the ‘ underclass ’ , its causation and policy remedies , differs markedly from those of the far Right whose views have been so easily absorbed into British government and establishment thinking .
8 A generation of politicians is now in power whose opinions have been shaped not only by the Stalinist dictatorship but also by the defeat of the first attempts at reform .
9 Awife whose solicitors have been negligent in negotiating a financial settlement in her divorce proceedings is entitled to damages against the solicitors .
10 The servatons at last emerged from the off-world ships , whose airlocks had been remote controlled by the overseeing Intelloids .
11 Today , Wedgwood — a division of Waterford Wedgwood plc following the merger in November 1986 — comprises many famous names whose products have been prominent in home and export markets for many years and has gained eleven Queen 's Awards to industry for export achievement .
12 As this example suggests the use of the courts is highly controversial : the 1981 decision led to accusations that an ‘ undemocratic ’ court ruling had substituted the views of judges for those of councillors whose policies had been endorsed by the local electorate .
13 Five seats were also given to the Ittehad-i-Islami , a Saudi-backed fundamentalist Wahhabi Sunni group led by Abdur Rab Rasool Sayyaf , whose fighters had been involved in fierce street battles with Wahdat in Kabul on June 2-6 .
14 A person whose chattels have been seized by the police can apply for an order for delivery of the goods and damages under section 3 of the Torts ( Interference with Goods ) Act 1977 .
15 The day before the conference I received an appeal for help from the Jamaican Council of Human Rights whose offices have been torched , equipment damaged , over 3,000 files destroyed , and its courageous co-ordinator , Florez elle O'Connor subjected to death threats .
16 So far this year we have heard at least ten reports of families whose presents have been stolen from beneath their trees .
17 The World Data Matrix ( Appendix A ) contains data for the largest 100 countries of the world and some of the African countries whose borders have been digitized are not included .
18 Prime Minister William Gladstone is another well-known figure whose speeches have been ‘ discovered ’ from time to time recorded on cylinders .
19 Look out , too , for clocked cars whose odometers have been turned back .
20 The volunteers also help people whose pets have been stolen .
21 Jerrome 's ( 1981 ) work on older women 's friendships indicates that women 's relationships with their sisters seem to be intensified in later life , even for people whose relationships had been poor when they were younger .
22 The Arab armies that invaded the new Israel were driven out , together with between 500,000 and 700,000 Arab Palestinians whose homes had been in that part of Palestine that was now Israel or in those areas of Arab Palestine that the Israelis captured .
23 For example , the mobile meals services has its origin in the need to provide food to those whose homes had been destroyed by bombing during the war .
24 He added : ‘ For the fourth time , they are coming back to the people and asking everybody to forget two recessions , forget millions unemployed , forget thousands of bankruptcies and thousands more whose homes have been repossessed .
25 RECESSION has led to misery for millions but none more so than workers made Redundant and those whose homes have been Repossessed .
26 Most of the money is owed by people whose homes have been repossessed and sold for less than their outstanding mortgage .
27 That figure does not include people whose homes have been damaged but who have not contacted the authority .
28 … for moments later the Mayor , the Parson and the Clerk , along with Jake and his gang , the jailer and the Colonel ( whose Dragoons had been dismissed ) , all came stumbling into the churchyard .
29 The fight was broken up by the housemaster , whose ears had been open in anticipation for some days .
30 We view the Mary Chain 's victorious headline cure-all from a royal box with the Smashing Pumpkins , D'Arcy looking every bit the ghost of peroxides past , Billy Corgan a grim-faced soul in terrible cardie whose utilities have been cut off in his apartment .
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