Example sentences of "break [adv] [coord] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Tonight on the phone she was sounding down ; the washing machine had broken down and the cat was thought to have broken its hip .
2 But with our increased intake of animal fat in the last couple of generations , our bodies ' capacity to adapt has often broken down and the cholesterol level has simply risen higher in many individuals .
3 However , it was reported the following day that talks had broken down and the employers had stopped the strikers ' wages .
4 Through the love and compassion of Jesus the missionary is able to return time after time until this love has broken through and the message is accepted .
5 But in practice , bullying takes place around the stalls ; there are mor difficulties in handling animals for routine inspection ; or the electronics break down and the key wo n't work .
6 The Gaussian theory is only adequate for small strains ; at higher values of strain the assumptions made in deriving the entropy break down and the more complex Langevin expression ( 6.16a ) is needed .
7 Andy takes the branch we hit the man with and wedges it under the grating ; part of it sticks through but there 's a stump where a smaller branch has broken off and the grating rests on that , held a half-metre or so off the stone rim .
8 In January 1974 , Heath 's giant Department of Trade and Industry was broken up and a separate Department of Energy created .
9 In other words we have to be able to demonstrate that we can do better by some sort of synergy in the group ; if we ca n't do that then the group is better broken up and the individual parts allowed to fly free and attract their own shareholding .
10 Some groups of pieces may still form parts of the picture , but the more you shake the box , the more likely it is that these groups will get broken up and the pieces will be in a completely jumbled state in which they do n't form any sort of picture .
11 Every wanton scar defacing the walls , every time the lift breaks down or a pain of glass is broken , there 's a ready-made culprit : " It 's the kids again . "
12 When she tried to imagine herself working in an office or a bank , her mind soon went blank , like a cinema screen when the projector breaks down or the film snaps .
13 In a telephone network , for example , if one key element breaks down and the whole system immediately crashes you have a ‘ catastrophic failure ’ , but if , instead , there is simply a progressive deterioration leading , after a period , to the same ultimate end , silence , then you are experiencing ‘ graceful degradation ’ .
14 If a record that is updated or accessed frequently in one time period is likely not to be referenced at all in the next , any analysis breaks down and the equal access assumption is the best guide for design decisions .
15 It is not easy to find enough foster parents to care for very difficult children ; all too often fostering breaks down and the child has to be returned again to the reception centre .
16 Freud describes schizophrenia as a narcissistic disorder in which the capacity for reality-testing breaks down and the patient hallucinates frequently .
17 For example , if the treaty breaks down and the Soviet Navy wishes to return to the Mediterranean rapidly it would have to bypass potentially hostile chokepoints at both ends of the Mediterranean .
18 It had rained overnight but now the sun was breaking through and the scene had a certain gaiety .
19 The rotor tips would then be on the point of breaking up and the mounting on the verge of shattering under the centrifugal force .
20 Like when a love affair breaks up and every song on the radio seems pertinent .
21 After half an hour the gathering breaks up and the recruits escort their visitors off to lunch , or on a tour of camp for yet more photographs .
22 The residual iron between these holes is then broken out and a ‘ multi-dumb-bell ’ shape metal ‘ key ’ , precast in a special alloy , is inserted tightly into each serrated aperture by gentle hammering .
23 They will go on doing so , but they can be effective only if the fighting which seems to have broken out and the looting that I described cease .
24 The court was told the house was unoccupied when the pair broke in but the police received information that a burglary was in progress .
25 Kuhn argued that the comparatively long periods of normal science were punctuated by crises when the existing paradigms broke down and a new paradigm , and eventually orthodoxy , would become established ; the Copernican revolution was a prime example of this .
26 There would be no singularities at which the laws of science broke down and no edge of space-time at which one would have to appeal to God or some new law to set the boundary conditions for space-time .
27 This meeting broke down and no progress was made .
28 The powers ' united front broke down and the crisis lasted two years .
29 The ground heaved for about a hundred metres , more turf broke through and the smell increased .
30 The plane touched down , bounced up again , slewed sideways and skidded along the runway , breaking up as it did so ; the port wing broke off and the rest of the plane turned over on top of it .
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