Example sentences of "walk [adv] into a " in BNC.

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1 In contrast walking slowly into a room may indicate reticence or apprehension .
2 Going back there would be walking straight into a trap .
3 Walking boldly into a room may be indicative of a feeling of wellbeing ; on the other hand it may be conveying a mood of anger , so analysis of further cues is required to differentiate .
4 While no one has any right to walk straight into a well-paid job for life , it is n't just the out-of-work graduates that suffer .
5 They walked downstairs into a big room .
6 ‘ Like an idiot , I walked straight into a carefully prepared trap .
7 He skirted a small lake and walked straight into a patch of quicksand He was up to his shins before he realised what had happened .
8 There was no response and the meeting continued on another tack until a man came from the back of the room with a story about how he had , in the pitch black night , walked straight into a lamp post on his way home the night before : hence the severe head pains .
9 She dropped the keys into her bag and straightened up , a small cry escaping her as she walked straight into a large solid body .
10 A convicted robber has come out of prison on parole … and walked straight into a job as a professional actor .
11 I had walked straight into a hideous trap .
12 Hoping that by August next year , something 'll come of this photography and I can walk straight into a maybe go to a college or if that is n't on the cards , into some sort of a technical lab or something .
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