Example sentences of "cause [pers pn] [prep] be " in BNC.

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31 He took a gulp at the Scotch and gave a wry smile at the injustices of this world which caused him to be smitten with another one of those blinding attacks just when he was about to make it .
32 Lance-Corporal John Shaw ( 1789–1815 ) , a prize-fighter whose magnificent physique caused him to be much in demand as an artist 's model .
33 Twice his eyes and his feet caused him to be rejected .
34 Sir Francis Walsingham , Secretary of State to Queen Elizabeth , though himself a Puritan , was so impressed with Andrewes ' abilities , which he considered would be wasted in a country parish , that he caused him to be appointed Vicar of St Giles-without-Cripplegate in London , and at the same time prebend of St Paul 's Cathedral and chaplain both to the Queen and to the Archbishop of Canterbury .
35 Dewey 's thought was mainly influenced by Hegel , although his appreciation of the organic unity of life also caused him to be attracted to the lessons of Darwinian biology .
36 As for war policy , Spartan censorship and secrecy could not conceal the rivalries and back-biting : jealousy , phthonos , felt for Brasidas by the ‘ leading men ’ of Sparta caused him to be starved of supplies ( iv .
37 There he was in the service of a gentleman , who caused him to be educated .
38 The Fenari clan seem 's not to have forgiven or forgotten this slight , for Molla Fenari 's sons later challenged a decision given by Molla Yegan as kadi of Bursa and caused him to be examined by a of the ulema .
39 It could well have been the jealousy of the older brother , what caused him to be thought of as a black sheep .
40 And then impulse caused her to be frank .
41 She knew only that today was the last she 'd spend at Wilder 's Wilderness , and the knowledge caused her to be wrapped in misery .
42 That rebellion caused her to be half inclined to scrape her hair back in a ‘ schoolmarm ’ hairstyle , and to be wearing her heavy hornrimmed spectacles when His Lordship called .
43 What right do I have to take his picture if he feels he 's in a state of revolution against his government and I 'm going to cause him to be arrested .
44 ( 2 ) A person can not steal land , or things forming part of land and severed from it by him or by his directions , except in the following cases , that is to say — ( a ) when he is a trustee or personal representative , or is authorised by power of attorney , or as liquidator of a company , or otherwise , to sell or dispose of land belonging to another , and he appropriates the land or anything forming part of it by dealing with it in breach of the confidence reposed in him ; or ( b ) when he is not in possession of the land and appropriates anything forming part of the land by severing it or causing it to be severed , or after it has been severed ; or ( c ) when , being in possession of the land under a tenancy , he appropriates the whole or part of any fixture or structure let to be used with the land .
45 The nose-leaf is separated from the bat 's body warmth by a layer of tissue , causing it to be 9 degrees Celsius colder .
46 The appeal was based upon the consideration that Harris could have suffered foetal brain damage as a result of alcohol abuse by his mother , or from blows inflicted by his father who had tried to abort the foetus , but had succeeded only in causing it to be born three months prematurely .
47 ( b ) when he is not in possession of the land and appropriates anything forming part of the land by severing it or causing it to be severed , or after it has been severed ; or
48 And we began the long process of actually sort of causing it to be reborn .
49 Once doubts about the feasibility of such a system finally caused it to be shelved indefinitely , the government sought other ways of extending parental choice , once it had introduced reforms to school government to increase opportunities for parental involvement at school level ( see Chapter 3 ) .
50 The repeated passage of a presolar cloud of material through the spiral arms caused it to be compressed until eventually it collapsed to form the Solar System .
51 This appears not to have happened in the case of Samuel Pepys 's uncle ; writing in his diary for 6 July 1661 , he related the incident of ‘ My uncle 's corpse in a coffin standing upon joint stools in the chimney in the hall ; but it began to smell so I caused it to be set forth in the yard all night , and watched by my aunt . ’
52 Now , thanks in no small measure to his own contribution to the Hampshire cause , he has one ; and the only disappointment is that the climax of the match was watched by only about 8000 people , as the weather caused it to be carried over into the second day .
53 As Mehigan argues : ‘ [ t ] his is not a loop-hole but a sensible realisation that even if [ a ] company is the beneficiary of a deal then there must exist individuals who caused it to be so . ’
54 When she got off the bus at her usual stop , even the moderate leafiness of the district contributed to her hopes , and she saw , fleetingly , the features that caused it to be described by others as a desirable residential area .
55 The coin caused it to be possible that the bar come out .
56 The 11th round had been scheduled to begin on Feb. 15 , 1989 , but the change-over in the US administration caused it to be postponed until June 19 , five days after the US Senate confirmed the appointment of Richard Burt ( a former Assistant Secretary of State for European and Canadian Affairs ) as the new NST delegation leader .
57 The water damaged the plaintiff 's house and caused it to be left empty .
58 Rockwell 's victory was the first to be scored by the newly formed 124 Squadron , otherwise known as the ‘ Escadrille Americaine ’ — until pressure from the Isolationist lobby in Washington shortly caused it to be changed to the ‘ Escadrille Lafayette ’ .
59 The relative thinness of the body lacks strength , and the great depth , even with the stabilising dorsal and anal fin , cause it to be too easily thrown off balance .
60 3.5 will preserve the copyright notice and cause it to be brought to the attention of its customers and Distributors in such other ways as may reasonably be prescribed by from time to time .
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