Example sentences of "accept [conj] even [verb] " in BNC.

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1 On the reverse , less positive side , the principle of inverse irreversibility explains the phenomenon we observe when scientists and other professional experts refuse to accept or even consider other scientists ' , other experts ' objectively-arrived-at truths when these tend to undermine or place in disrepute their own objectively arrived-at truths .
2 Here he will have to serve a form of apprenticeship before he is accepted or even noticed .
3 That challenges have been made to the liberal humanist tradition by Marxists , structuralists , deconstructionists , feminists and others is not , however , to say that these challenges are widely accepted or even taught .
4 Summarizing Foucault 's account in volume ii of The History of Sexuality of how in ancient Greece homosexual passivity was regarded with suspicion , even though homosexuality as such was accepted and even glorified , Bersani concludes : ‘ To be penetrated is to abdicate power ’ ( ‘ Is the Rectum a Grave ? , 222 , 211 — 12 , his emphasis ) .
5 Stephan Brüback of the German shop design specialist Hans Brüback Landenbau & Verkaufstechnik took a visual approach to the theme of customer recognition , suggesting that social differences be accepted and even adopted in the definition of a shop 's corporate identity .
6 However , headteachers saw little hope of success especially if persistent truancy was accepted and even encouraged by parents .
7 We may be handling a horse and get a feeling that we are in tune with the horse and that it is accepting and even anticipating whatever we want to do : we are in rapport with the horse , and are communicating with the horse but in a way that is not through the other senses .
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