Example sentences of "project [Wh det] [vb base] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This should promote the co-ordinated and ‘ consumer-led ’ development of a variety of provision in every area , especially since financial incentives favour projects which show evidence of user participation at the planning stage .
2 Conversely , if all institutions are up for grabs all the time , individuals in power will be tempted to milk their positions for private purposes , and those outside power will hesitate to form projects which take time to bear fruit .
3 I walked — in amazing Cecil B de Mille film type downpour yesterday for tea with a young lawyer son of one of John 's contemporaries at Gordonstoun , so that he could help me finalise the leaflet for a seminar on 14th January in respect of INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY , which many think is akin to copyright and so on but it embraces much more than that nowadays , especially in respect of computers , TV and sound usage , collaboration in respect of research and development projects which eat investments budgets and so on .
4 He is going to see environmental projects which help farmers to use their land in a sustainable way and women 's groups working in Brazil nut factories .
5 It was pointed out that the Northern Ireland Council on Disability was in the process of investigating the services different agencies are providing for disabled people — not just in relation to physical access , but also in relation to access to the network of information on different services and projects which exclude disability interests .
6 GDA will continue to give priority to projects which stimulate tourism and leisure , service industries , retailing in regeneration areas , higher education , culture and heritage .
7 The Scottish Officer in its Urban Programme ( Urban Aid ) makes grants available for projects which address aspects of disadvantage in areas which are designated as multiply deprived .
8 Help the Aged is a national fund-raising charity supporting projects which provide care and facilities for elderly people .
9 , President Collor has issued a decree stipulating that government subsidies for agricultural development , including cattle ranching , will be withheld from any projects which involve deforestation .
10 Research proposals therefore tend to come from established departments , and also tend increasingly to consist of safe , conservative projects which have possibilities for future income-generation for the universities .
11 Money could then be ploughed into smaller projects which create jobs , meet the needs of local people and conserve the environment .
12 Dr. Peter Clough ( Lecturer in Special Needs Provision ) has been concerned in a number of small-scale projects which explore continuities in Language provision between mainstream and special settings .
13 Practical work takes the form of projects which explore design problems using specific software tools .
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