Example sentences of "difficult it [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One , a punk , talked about the village in Wales where she lives and how difficult it is to be different , so that dyeing her hair blue becomes an extremely powerful statement about herself , saying all the things she wants to about her rejection of the values of the people in her village .
2 The 14-day course of epoetin resulted in only a 9 g/L rise in haemoglobin , illustrating how difficult it is to ‘ override ’ the endogeneous erythropoietin control of red cell production in a non-anaemic individual .
3 ‘ The more radical the slogans , the more difficult it is for us the day after in the corridors of power in Moscow . ’
4 It 's amazing how difficult it is for strangers to find the main entrance to many schools , particularly when the school is a modern flat roofed single storey building .
5 These trends indicate how difficult it is for the market to translate what it has been told about the purchasing power of this group into reality .
6 The more distant in time an issue is to current industry concerns , the more difficult it is for managers to establish that it applies to their business in some significant way ( relevancy ) and that it should be addressed now ( urgency ) .
7 We all know how difficult it is for scientists to obtain their due recognition .
8 The widespread unease with several of the measures proposed in the welfare reforms felt by many Conservative MPs , demonstrates how difficult it is for any government ( even one with a large parliamentary majority ) to reform the Welfare State .
9 Look how difficult it is for women to get on in the medical or legal profession !
10 You know how difficult it is for two women to live together , especially if they 're mother and daughter .
11 A recent report published by the EOC revealed how difficult it is for girls in YTP .
12 That elected governments find it necessary to bow to the wishes of big privately owned companies , that the organs which so largely shape public opinion can be bought and sold by millionaires and treated by them simply as pieces of private property ( which is ' of course , what they are ) , demonstrates how difficult it is for an active and effective democracy to coexist with monopoly capitalism .
13 How easy or difficult it is for girls to tell their parents that they are pregnant also depends on how accustomed they are to confiding in their mothers or fathers about periods , boyfriends , sex and contraception .
14 It is as much about who I am as it is about how I look , and about how difficult it is for women to separate the two .
15 For Dr Petruska Clarkson , Director of the Metanoia Psychotherapy Training Institute the disturbing picture now emerging is a brutally clear example of how difficult it is for a human being to adjust to a radically different reality .
16 We have to have some independent arguments about how easy or difficult it is for life to originate on a planet , before we can even begin to answer the question of how many other planets in the universe have life .
17 For men under 20 , the job offer arrival rates are at least nine times higher than for men aged 55 and over ( at the mean wage ) , emphasising how difficult it is for older unemployed men to obtain a job .
18 The larger the number of firms already supplying a market and the more difficult it is for them to collude , the more competition there is likely to be .
19 We all know how difficult it is for members of the security forces and their families , and we should now be aware that they are at risk all the time .
20 Unfortunately many employees also know how difficult it is for us to stop them simply imposing changes without agreement from the people that are affected .
21 Talk turns to a familiar theme — the failure of the city to support new ideas , the segregation of black and white music , how difficult it is for dance music to get substantial airplay — most of all the struggle to make the rest of the city sit up and take notice of its thriving techno scene .
22 I 've got a sale to go to at nine , and you know how difficult it is for me to get back to sleep once I 've been woken . ’
23 At the end , Slim is the only one who understands how difficult it is for George to take the action that he did , and also why he did it .
24 and they 're not appreciating how difficult it is for some of them families to send them there .
25 It 's easy enough to say this : I know from experience how difficult it is in practice !
26 ‘ I know how difficult it is in London — I suppose tropical fruits would be allowed ? ’
27 He had just nodded his head , and then returned to the talk about the social evening , and how difficult it was to be safe with prawns , and he had wanted to know if Dan and his lady would be coming to the Service 's New Year 's Eve party .
28 It was strange how difficult it was to be alone , especially as no one was anxious to be with me .
29 He appreciated how difficult it was for me ‘ to give way ’ , what a wrench it was for someone who always operated on his own to cooperate with an act he neither understood nor , at that time , actively sought .
30 As Scott later pointed out , he then reversed his usual argument that Gothic did not provide enough light , by explaining how difficult it was for the Speaker to control the sunlight coming through the windows of his house in the Houses of Parliament .
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