Example sentences of "difficult for he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , as Henry VIII had relied on the authority of scripture to justify his annulment , it was difficult for him to resist pressure for the translation of the Bible into English , or demands that doctrine and liturgy should conform to the word of God as revealed in the scriptures .
2 So , I gather , has Salman Rushdie , whose lack of freedom of movement might , one would have thought , have made it somewhat difficult for him to carry out such a duty .
3 ‘ May I observe that this is a rather strange sort of idleness … ’ and he went on to admit that , although it was difficult for him to defend his present way of life , there was purpose in it , even if that purpose was an obscure one .
4 He added : ‘ No-one works harder than Faldo and I admire him because it must be very difficult for him to do that .
5 He 's very proud ; it 's too difficult for him to do anything about it now .
6 That lack of leadership makes it difficult for him to do other than cavil at our figures .
7 Things like skipping were extremely difficult for him to do , playing football , running , all of those are very difficult .
8 It was difficult for him to move in his new boots .
9 However , once in the system it is difficult for him to move to higher-paid employment in another industry , for he would also have to find housing elsewhere for himself and his family .
10 Mark was nervous , uptight about his role , particularly difficult for him given that this was his first big break in films . ’
11 ‘ It 's well known that Maurice likes a night out but the media attention he gets in Britain makes it difficult for him to enjoy it .
12 His left Achilles tendon became badly shortened , making it difficult for him to put his foot to the floor , and he had a strong positive supporting reaction in his foot .
13 All eyes turned towards Rayne , who smiled apologetically and said , yes , that he had asked Vokins to bid on his behalf as he himself would be conducting the auction and it would clearly be difficult for him to put in bids and be auctioneer at the same time .
14 It was difficult for him to realise that he was dealing with , or rather trying to help , a man who had never , either physically or emotionally , felt the need to replace anything .
15 Indeed , Roberts herself makes the point that , for example , Anderson 's reliance upon census data made it difficult for him to see the extent of exchanges across households .
16 The rain had almost stopped , but various projections over the pavement in Fleet Street dripped on Dyson as he passed , wetting the lenses of his spectacles and making it difficult for him to see where he was going .
17 The dogs ' descendants were still with him , though rheumatism made it difficult for him to go scrambling over the fields at night with the powerful torch to blind the rabbits .
18 But he has told me that if I 'm not regularly in the Spurs first team then it will be very difficult for him to pick me . ’
19 It is therefore difficult for him to appreciate the general view of the Service , that , on his return … he must re-establish his professional standing , even though a few years earlier the Service had sent him to University because he had proved himself to be a good , practical policeman .
20 Moscovitch argued that if the subject uses a linguistic strategy , that is compares the names of two letters , then it should be more difficult for him to discriminate between acoustically ( e.g. I-Y ) than visually ( e.g. V-U ) similar letter pairs .
21 6 Once the attacker 's elbow is locked , it is very difficult for him to counter .
22 It will be difficult for him to enforce his writ in the far-flung reaches of the country .
23 ‘ Unfortunately , it is difficult for him to paint in the house in Leeds because we do n't have the space and we do n't have the light .
24 Whatever formal characteristics Lyons might attribute to English in theory , in practice it would be difficult for him to sustain the claim that ‘ it is possible to address someone or talk about someone in English without indicating one 's relative social status or attitude ’ .
25 If he decided to accede to the request — and precedent suggested that it would be very difficult for him to refuse it — then he would have a further 60 days to appoint a panel to decide upon a prosecutor .
26 He refused to send his horses to be shod at our smithy after that ; for once the smith 's verdict got around it would be difficult for him to sell the mare .
27 I 'd lastly like to say a thank you to Kevin , because I think , as a man , it is obviously more difficult for him to broach this subject , and he 's been pursuing this through APEX through for a very long time , and has worked extremely hard , so I 'd like to say thank you to him , and thank you to you now for taking the message back home .
28 That 's right and we , Brian had the club slides which he very kindly handed over to us when he , he , he felt it became difficult for him to cope with it erm cos his dad 's not well .
29 Mr Powell 's lofty academic style made it difficult for him to approach MPs .
30 The bungled pit stop dropped Hill from second on Prost 's tail to fourth and , although he recovered to grab a brilliant third place behind the Frenchman , it was difficult for him to hide his disappointment .
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