Example sentences of "draw up by the " in BNC.

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1 We drew up by the main entrance and Tony and I went through the swing doors at speed and headed for the secretary 's office .
2 The rules will be drawn up by the Law Society ‘ having regard ’ to suggestions made by a new lay-dominated independent advisory committee on legal education and conduct .
3 The claim , drawn up by the national executive , will be discussed by a union council meeting on 14 October .
4 Under the English White Paper , rights of audience rules drawn up by the Law Society in conjunction with an advisory committee will be subject to the ‘ concurrence ’ of four senior judges .
5 He recently drew up an ethics policy for United Biscuits , which he expects all his managers to endorse , because ‘ as a business becomes bigger and bigger — we now have operations in Japan , America and Belgium as well as the UK — I think the family ethics drawn up by the founders can gradually get eroded or watered down . ’
6 The accusation came after Mr John Gummer , the Agriculture Minister — under fierce Labour and consumer group pressure — produced a list drawn up by the manufacturers on the 70 microwave oven models tested by Government scientists .
7 Instead , Mr Gummer told the House of Commons the list drawn up by the manufacturers themselves contained new instructions which would make all the machines ‘ perfectly safe in use . ’
8 Rules to be drawn up by the Law Society for solicitor advocates will need approval by four senior judges , all former barristers .
9 Rules are to be drawn up by the Law Society , subject to approval by the Lord Chancellor and four senior judges .
10 Rules are to be drawn up by the Law Society , subject to approval by the Lord Chancellor and four senior judges .
11 The council of the Association of University Teachers backed a claim drawn up by the union 's executive for a 27 per cent pay rise from next April .
12 The academy had become little more than a rubber stamp for huge prestigious projects drawn up by the industrial ministries .
13 These occur twice a day and may not , under rules drawn up by the journalists themselves , be mentioned in print .
14 The draft drawn up by the Yeltsin team would enshrine his emergency powers to run matters of state at the expense of parliament .
15 A list of the social and economic problems which could be identified was drawn up by the Executive Committee and approved by the full Association .
16 The syllabus includes the ‘ core ’ of chemistry drawn up by the Standing Conference on University Entrance in 1983 , and as far as we can tell is also likely to include the new chemistry core under construction by the School Examination and Assessment Council .
17 A list of controlled technologies is being drawn up by the Australia Group and this could be added to UK export regulations this year .
18 A tenth of Britain 's groundwater supplies are thought to contain cancer-causing solvents above limits drawn up by the World Health Organisation .
19 These will be drawn up by the teacher and should relate to those set by middle managers .
20 We will decentralise planning decisions as much as possible , giving a key role to the local plan drawn up by the local authority .
21 In many respects Standy Credits are preferable to Bank Guarantees because virtually all Credits , including Standby Credits , issued by banks are subject to a set of internationally accepted rules drawn up by the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris , known as UCP 400 .
22 A conference , in which the Church of England , representatives of principal religious traditions in the area , teachers ' associations and the LEA may be represented , is to be drawn up by the LEA for the purpose of agreeing the syllabus .
23 Fortunately , the breed had clear guidelines on which to develop drawn up by the breed clubs in Germany .
24 A code of practice has been drawn up by the fuel industries to protect you .
25 Despite an existing voluntary Code of Practice , reproduced in part below , drawn up by the National Farmers ' Union to minimise any nuisance and existing legal controls , complaints appear to be on the increase .
26 The list of results obtained by candidates in each examination , and the decisions about the academic progress of candidates , shall be drawn up by the board of examiners .
27 Last week , in a stormy session , the European Parliament threw out a voluntary code proposed by officials at the European Commission , which had been drawn up by the baby-food companies themselves .
28 Under guidelines drawn up by the US government last August , a company called Systems and Applied Sciences Corporation was due to supply the equipment .
29 In 1979 the ensuing Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution ( CLRTAP ) , drawn up by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe ( UN ECE ) , was signed by 34 countries including all Western and Eastern European states , America and Canada .
30 A proposal , drawn up by The Library Association , was accepted by British Library Research and Development , for a one-year project from February 1984 to February 1985 , funded by BLR&D , housed by The Library Association 's Development and Research Department , employing one part-time researcher .
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