Example sentences of "draw [pn reflx] [adv prt] to " in BNC.

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1 Henry drew himself up to his full height of five-foot-three .
2 He bent double , hugging his thin chest inside his cloak , then drew himself up to his full height .
3 Dauntless drew himself up to his full height , causing the woman to squint up at him .
4 Cranston drew himself up to his full height and squinted at Athelstan .
5 Twoflower drew himself up to his full height , an easy task .
6 She drew herself up to her full height , hands on hips ; quite a figure .
7 So , ’ she drew herself up to her full height , her tight black dress clasping her full figure as though the material was pasted to her , ‘ so , ’ she repeated , ‘ I opened it to check the photograph and saw it was Ed Riverton 's .
8 Outraged , Comfort looked at the woman , drew herself up to her full height , looked down her beaky nose and began to cross the road towards the waiting taxi .
9 She drew herself up to her full height .
10 She drew herself up to her full height .
11 Looking very much like the arrogant duchess he had once accused her of being , despite her wet and muddy state , she drew herself up to her full height , and stated with flat finality , ‘ You can both do as you please regarding the land .
12 She drew herself up to her full height .
13 I drew myself up to my full 4 feet 8 inches , flared my pupils at the teacher , picked up my scarlet skirt , Vivien Leigh-style , and , with a thud , parquet met felt and felt met parquet .
14 Karr sat back , drawing himself up to his full height .
15 ‘ Why , Sarella ? ’ he grated after a battle that seemed to draw itself out to the limits .
16 But at last she got to her feet , drawing herself up to her full height , trying somehow to muster strength for what she had to face .
17 For a full second she was too stunned to move , but then she slapped his hand away , and , drawing herself up to her full five feet four , she glared at him furiously .
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