Example sentences of "sense [prep] [noun] that " in BNC.

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1 Scientists have been penetrating areas beyond human senses , and they have developed more and more devices to augment our senses in order that we may see into the heart of matter or reach the ends of the universe .
2 Their answers varied in length and opinion and the only common ground was a sense of gratitude that finally , someone had thought to ask them their views on the subject …
3 He could still recall the sense of dread that hung over him for days as he waited to be thrashed for that escapade .
4 She looked at him with a rising sense of panic that she tried to conceal .
5 Being trained , Wolfe knew what to do but she was struck by the sense of panic that engulfs any parent when a child is suddenly threatened with pain or in this case , death .
6 She felt sick , but was relieved to feel something : the weight of the food in her stomach did something to counteract the sense of unreality that afflicted her .
7 She had gone from happiness to misery and back again in what seemed no more than hours , and the speed of the changes had left her with a sense of unreality that she found impossible to shake off .
8 But , oddly , the thing I miss most of all is the extraordinary sense of release that accompanied the stage version .
9 Gareth 's ‘ BACK FOR GRUB ’ message was still pinned to the corkboard , and it was with a distinct sense of release that I remembered I 'd said that I would go back for his camera .
10 It is both funny and disturbing , a complex memory game that is distinctive in it simplicity and yet with a playfulness and sense of fun that complements both the rigour of the structure and seriousness of its themes .
11 MANAGER Trevor Francis revealed the sense of injustice that will fuel Sheffield Wednesday 's UEFA Cup challenge tonight .
12 Yet , at the same time , practical programmes that ignore justice in retributive terms are not only likely to prove unacceptable , but are also likely to be self-defeating : the sense of injustice that they generate militates against the effectiveness of their programmes .
13 This resentment , this sense of injustice that they have put in more than their fair share of time , energy and guts , was the most frequently struck note .
14 This gave his candidacy a clear sense of direction that others have lacked .
15 Not to be outdone the Wesleyan Methodists rejoiced in 1898 ‘ in the growing sense of kinship that marks our relations with the United States ’ , expressed their ‘ warmest sympathy ’ with America 's efforts to ‘ disburden suffering peoples of the pitiless and truculent misgovernments under which they have groaned ’ and rejoiced that ‘ In fusing together the two great divisions of the Anglo-Saxon race , the Churches have played the chief part although ’ , they added as a reprove to their more ‘ political ’ friends , the Baptists and Congregationalists , ‘ like their Lord , they do not cry nor uplift their voice in the highways of International politics ’ .
16 On the contrary his heart may be gladdened by the new and heady sense of actuality that accompanies this type of study . ’
17 However , the confidence and sense of involvement that came out of the meetings ensured that all the men in the group were actually present at the birth of their child , and this might not otherwise have been the case .
18 Dealing with guilt for past behaviour by making direct amends to those who have been harmed , dealing with shame by accepting one 's self as having an illness and therefore worthy of self-forgiveness , and dealing with damaged relationships by being honest , open-minded and willing , all help to reestablish the general sense of well-being that is the hallmark of someone in recovery .
19 It must have been with some degree of cautiousness and a heightened sense of responsibility that Gould once more stocked up on shot , caps , and powder on his way back through Launceston for the journey home .
20 We were looked at with the same sense of distrust that must have greeted the first plumber who installed running water there .
21 Hemlines were up and tunes like the ‘ Black Bottom ’ and the ‘ Charleston ’ were part of a new sense of freedom that could be seen every night in Glasgow at over 50 ‘ Palais de Danse ’ .
22 The early Labour leaders supported votes for women , home rule not merely for Ireland but for Scotland and Wales , and were deeply concerned about the respect that should be paid to individuals , about the sense of freedom that was lacking in the nineteenth-century employer-employee relationship .
23 A high specification of housework rules can be seen as a common response to a common problem — the problem being how to make sense of work that is intrinsically unsatisfying under conditions where less and less of it need be done ( through automation , ‘ convenience ’ foods , better housing conditions , etc ) , but where the structural pressures which assign women to the home remain as strong as ever .
24 Lovers of freedom throughout the world looked to this vision with hope and it is with profound sadness that they see the vision momentarily dimmed , and with this dimming has come a confusion of purpose and a sense of despair that was never known before in America .
25 The repetition of ‘ the woods decay ’ stress the sense of despair that Titonus feels .
26 There is also a growing sense of dismay that attempts to contain and control corporate crime are largely absent or ineffectual .
27 It 's still the sense of multiplicity that 's oppressive .
28 This case illustrates the sense of hopelessness that may develop in the unemployed , especially when finding a job appears to be in almost impossible task , and how this may create other problems , particularly when a major life event occurs , such as the break-up of an important relationship .
29 For those who do not have addictive diseases it seems incongruous that some sufferers will pursue their addiction to death , either through the consequences of the addiction or through suicide at the sense of hopelessness that is the hallmark of sufferers from the primary disease , - but that is the nature of the addiction .
30 To create a sense of occasion that is in keeping with the depth of emotion felt at such times is very difficult without recognized formalities and strong ritualistic content .
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