Example sentences of "england [conj] [noun prp] for " in BNC.

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1 At the moment Italy ( the hosts ) will be based in Rome , Argentina ( the holders ) in Naples , Brazil in Milan , and West Germany in Verona — leaving Belgium , England or Spain for Turin and Calgiari .
2 Here a series of councils of war revealed that the Highlanders did not want to cross the Border into England , while Forster 's Northumbrians were more interested in reclaiming England than Scotland for King James .
3 Already during the uncanny calm of the ‘ phoney war ’ in the winter of 1939–40 , Hitler had hinted at a successful end to the conflict during 1940 , and at the same time had further blamed England and France for deliberately prolonging the war through their influence on previously neutral countries .
4 This was a time of growing conflict and rivalry between the Dutch Republic , England and France for mastery of international commerce and all three used the power of the state , through a wide range of mercantilist measures , to influence the outcome .
5 First he went to St Andrew 's in Scotland , then to Rome ; then he engaged in regular trading between England and Scotland for a while ; then he became a professional sailor .
6 Some were established : by the London Congregational Union in 1886 , by the Salvation Army from 1891 ( in addition to their workshops for destitutes within East London ) in England and America for emigrant British workers , and by the Church Army .
7 THE outcome of the first commercial rating revaluation in England and Wales for 16 years has produced increases higher than the Government predicted , it was disclosed yesterday .
8 ‘ Here I Am ’ is a new Religious Education Programme , specially developed in England and Wales for children in Catholic primary schools .
9 Metering has been on trial in England and Wales for the past two years , to assess whether it is a serious option as a basis for domestic charges from the year 2000 — when the present charging system based on the rateable value of your house is due to be scrapped .
10 Although there were wide variations between local authorities , the government predicted that the average community charge for England and Wales for 1990/91 would be £278 .
11 We compared the incidence in the study areas with national data using the following sources : for childhood cancer , data from the National Registry of Childhood Tumours for 1969–87 ; for young people aged 15–24 , cancer registration statistics for England and Wales for 1971–86 , though these data were not subjected to the review processes carried out for the specialist registries ; for leukaemias and lymphomas in those aged 25–74 , data from the data collection study covering about one third of the population of England and Wales .
12 However , there is evidence of a slight increase in teenage pregnancy rate in 1981 in England and Wales for all ages between fourteen and nineteen compared to the previous year , with a consequent rise in the numbers of girls who had babies and who had abortions .
13 Data assembled by Chisholm ( 1983 ) for local authorities in England and Wales for the last inter-censal decade illustrates this point conclusively ( see Table 6. 1 ) .
14 The words belong to Paul Highsmith , who taught in England and Wales for six years but now teaches in the liberated zone of the emerging East African nation of Eritrea .
15 I think that he meant England and Wales for one part and Scotland for the other .
16 The research investigates the implications of the Local Government Finance Act 1988 , which makes provision for the revaluation of all non-domestic properties in England and Wales for rating purposes , and the application of a national uniform business rate to replace the rate-in-the-pound currently set by individual local authorities .
17 Programme of short courses for qualified teachers ( HMSO ) Organised by Her Majesty 's Inspectorate in England and Wales for teachers and others engaged in the educational service in England and Wales
18 The scheme , if adopted , would allow the government to set " statutory water quality objectives " for all inland and coastal waters in England and Wales for the first time .
19 The International Board decided not to separate England and Wales for the World Cup .
20 DAVID NAISH was re-elected as president of the National Farmers Union of England and Wales for a third year at the union 's annual meeting last week .
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