Example sentences of "agree [that] it is " in BNC.

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1 The council agreed that it is a matter for concern that the rates have increased by so much and I have been asked to write to Wyre Borough Council about this and to ask if they would consider paying the whole of the rates for public halls in rural areas as I understand some District Councils do .
2 Levi would have understood that challenge , just as I think he would have been happy to agree that it is possible to speak without contradiction of the literal imagination .
3 But they are nevertheless able to agree that it is sometimes possible to elaborate functional relations of the sort we have considered .
4 Everyone seems to agree that it is easier to translate a novel than a poem : that one may appreciate the greatness of Dostoevsky in translation in a way that is not possible ( say ) of Pushkin .
5 The hon. Gentleman and I might be able to agree that it is not unadjacent to the fact that so many inner London authorities are controlled by the Labour party .
6 The question in the last sentence can not be answered , of course ; it is imponderable and we can go no further with it than to agree that it is useful to expose such uncertainties now and then .
7 The practical difficulties of nursing a sick relative can be very great , but Pitkeathley agrees that it is often the emotional upset of having to bath a previously fastidious mother , or pretend your father has spilt his tea when the bed is wet , or simply having to make all the decisions for a once strong parent , which cases the most upset .
8 While he strongly believes that violence produces results ( presumably by dramatising the point in question ) he agrees that it is morally wrong .
9 If everyone ( or at least those who can mould opinion and wield sanctions ) implicitly agrees that it is weak to get upset , and a sign of personal incompetence to make mistakes , then openness entails real risks to staffroom status and even to promotion and other career prospects .
10 Dominique is shocked , but agrees that it is a car everyone can enjoy , ‘ although my mother would have a heart attack in it ’ , she adds with glee .
11 Surely the Secretary of State agrees that it is economic madness to switch electricity generation from coal to gas , close scores of collieries and throw thousands of miners on to the dole ?
12 In deploring this latest IRA atrocity , and hoping that those responsible will be brought to justice — like all those , from both sides in Northern Ireland , who carry out squalid murders — may I ask whether the Secretary of State agrees that it is important that we do not play into the hands of the Provisional IRA by following policies which , although the IRA deny it , they want for propaganda purposes in the Republic of Ireland and the United States ?
13 Everyone agrees that it is the report , and that there is no point in having a royal commission after Woolf .
14 I am sure that the hon. Gentleman agrees that it is crucial that approved contractors are used to ensure that the work is done to the highest possible standard .
15 The political parties each have a different vision of precisely what citizenship involves but they are all broadly agreed that it is a good thing and agree in general terms at least on its basic ingredients .
16 It is ‘ well written ’ ( Edward Peace , The Sunday Times , 13 July 1988 ) with a ‘ certain stylish force ’ ( The Daily Telegraph , 4 July 1988 ) , the ‘ verisimilitude achieved by … script and direction has been dazzling ’ ( Paul Paterson , The Daily Mirror , 4 July 1988 ) and all are agreed that it is a ‘ first class production ’ ( Edward Pearce , The Sunday Times , 13 July 1988 ) .
17 Scholars of Confucianism are agreed that it is not so much a religion as a guide to a system of political organisation , and as time went on , it too fell victim to divisions and disputes .
18 To ensure that this is so it must be agreed that it is regarded as being beyond the capacity of the individual to alter , that is , it has to become ‘ sacred ’ , or enshrined in a ‘ god ’ .
19 To return to the enjoyment of looking at gibbons , it will be agreed that it is not an activity separate from looking at them , not an end to which looking is the means ( as looking is the end to which visiting the zoo is the means ) .
20 Manager 's Signature : the signature of the New OED Project Director to indicate that he is aware of the change and has agreed that it is needed .
21 With regard to the audience for children 's project work , it is becoming widely agreed that it is important for children to learn to take into account their potential audience when they are producing written work .
22 My Lords for reasons that have already been explained to Your Lordships and which I will not pursue yet for , er it seems that everybody 's agreed that it is important that the erm local authority representatives should be in the majority and I have to admit that my amendments do not go that far because I was concentrating on getting the magistrates back where they ought to be , er but er that is one thing , the other is that it er was an interesting point that er the Noble Lord , Lord of Greenwich raised , that my Noble Friend Lord Whitelaw er at columns four eighty and four eight one er questioned whether it was indeed appropriate that er the Home Secretary should make these appointments .
23 AFTER 16 years of marriage we are splitting up and are both agreed that it is the best thing to do .
24 All those who grow Aster x frikartii ’ ‘ Mönch ’ agree that it is one of the finest herbaceous perennials ever raised .
25 Those who have seen it — it will not be heard until a concert in Salzburg in December — agree that it is a hybrid between Mozart 's incomplete score and Mr Saegusa 's style , based on principles of Japanese music .
26 All sensible people must with shame agree that it is a disgrace to our nation that we Germans are trying to suppress a German , to whom foreign countries have done justice by their great admiration and even by public acknowledgments in writing .
27 Experts agree that it is far too soon to tell how many lives the belt law has saved .
28 Opinions are divided as to the meaning of ‘ Thwing ’ , but most historians agree that it is derived from the Scandinavian and could mean a ‘ strip of high land ’ .
29 Most authorities agree that it is possibly the most difficult of all the hovering manoeuvres , and it combines the difficulties of both the nose-in hover and the pirouette .
30 But since I agree that it is your duty to enquire as to the welfare of your wedded lord , and as … ’
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