Example sentences of "enough for [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There were even moments when the surface softened a little — just enough for her to dabble her lovely black feet .
2 The noise was loud enough for her to swivel herself round , prop her chin on her hand and stare .
3 She would ring Julius at home , with messages that were only just important enough for her to justify ringing his private number .
4 The tin was just wide enough for her to lie on , but it was very hot and burned her , so that she had to keep moving her bare legs .
5 Even so , her head remained clear enough for her to wonder when he would tell her he loved her .
6 He paused just long enough for her to wonder if he was about to do the decent thing and invite her to join him .
7 ‘ I 'm sorry , ’ he uttered , quite convincingly to Ruth 's ears but not convincingly enough for her to soften .
8 But sexual jealousy of an unsatisfactory husband 's former wife — this did n't seem likely : Viola 's own love-life , Greg guessed , had been varied enough for her to ignore any previous entanglements of her second husband 's .
9 That was the result of her sleeping badly on the ‘ plane , and was serious enough for her to wear a neck scarf during her week of practice , but it caused no problems once the competition began .
10 I told her I had a job for Duncan and there was money in it and that was enough for her to yell ‘ Duncan ! ’ so loud I felt I heard it without the need of the phone .
11 She tugged at the arm around her neck and it shifted enough for her to yell , ‘ Travis look out ! ’
12 Outside the door he paused long enough for her to fit the key into the lock .
13 But obviously not close enough for her to have any say in the way he dresses .
14 They were still there , attached to her by unbreakable strings , but at least they retreated enough for her to have a breathing-space in which to resolve them .
15 The hotel was n't really big enough for her to get confused as she checked up whether to turn left or right down the passage .
16 ‘ Someone whose family is rich enough for her to meet the Khedive .
17 He sat beside her , close enough for her to feel the heat from his body .
18 On the morning of November 18th , when Wilson stood in the street to wave goodbye to the Brownings , it was hot enough for her to want to move into the shade as soon as they had gone .
19 It is enough for her to know that things are going badly for Mrs Thatcher and the Tory party ; the details of the Westland affair do not engage her interest .
20 She felt him tense beside her , only slightly but enough for her to know what he was thinking .
21 He paused for an instant , just long enough for her to register the warning reflected in his eyes .
22 The third kick splintered it enough for her to break it off .
23 Cuvier had reconstructed extinct mammals , but here the analogies with living elephants , bears and rhinoceroses were close enough for nobody to doubt what they must have looked like .
24 It was long enough for him to persuade the Royal College of Music that his talent was worth taking seriously .
25 His hands sometimes stopped shaking long enough for him to light a fag or give his teeth the once-over with Pepsodent , but that was every other Scumday in a month with a zed in it .
26 It was not enough for him to call individual sinners to God .
27 In that year Cook claimed that he had one million clients and the business was stable enough for him to settle clients ' bills , but he was not actually running inclusive tours yet .
28 Eventually he met a boy almost distressed with diffidence who told him enough for him to conclude that Lorton was much too far away for comfort .
29 By then , Aitken 's pulse rate had decelerated enough for him to give a rational appraisal of the day 's events .
30 Nowhere near big enough for him to finance the war on his own , especially as he gives such a lot to charity .
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