Example sentences of "clear that it [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 As the depression began to affect West Coast loadings it soon became clear that it was no longer possible to sustain the level of service provided in the 1974 Glasgow electric timetable .
2 The changes made it clear that it was Bjelke-Petersen , rather than Her Majesty , who was at fault .
3 By 1957 , it had become clear that it was easier to direct affairs on the far side of the Arab sea/air barrier from London rather than from Cyprus , which had little or no contact with Aden and Kenya .
4 This is often misunderstood as cleaning oneself of contamination , but is obviously not the case as is proven by the fact that they had to clean themselves carefully before going into the bath , or mikva as it is called , so it becomes clear that it was to purify themselves spiritually , not physically .
5 Although — it had to be said , in all fairness — the Colonel had made it clear that it was Elisabeth 's mind that attracted him .
6 He made it clear that it was for Sir Rufus to determine , and for you to comply .
7 Watching the event on TV it was clear that it was n't his putter that was the problem .
8 Wordsworth worked from observation — ‘ The incident occurred in the village of Holford , close by Alfoxden ’ , — but in a letter of 1836 he makes it clear that it was a friend who actually saw the man .
9 But Downing Street made it clear that it was the Cabinet which set the £244.5 billion spending target — and it can increase that figure if it wants to .
10 As early as February 1919 , Vickers had made it clear that it was possible to fly a Vickers Vimy across the Atlantic .
11 It had now become clear that it was necessary to understand why what had been designed and certified as a fail-safe structure had collapsed in the air in quite normal flight operating conditions .
12 The effects were felt beyond Inverkeithing , for the manager of the Cunningham interest in the eastern burghs of the district , Captain James Cunningham , was clear that it was essential to have John Main and Colin Sharp back in their places before the election and Haldane 's friends removed , as ‘ it not only does harm in that one town , but in all the rest ; Haldane 's interest is cryed up , & the Haldanes can do every thing is the general talk … ’
13 Along with this distinction between ‘ public ’ and ‘ private ’ , the Wolfenden Committee also distinguished between ‘ crime ’ and ‘ sin ’ , making it clear that it was only concerned with the former .
14 To us it is clear that it was the forms of social organisation in which such evidence was carried that gave them this quality and not the intrinsic nature of the evidence itself .
15 The same qualifications characterized the University Statute of 1863 which , while granting the universities greater autonomy , made clear that it was to be exercised within narrow guide-lines .
16 ‘ It became clear that it was not possible to achieve desirable social change in the Third World by treating people as if they were isolated objects , living outside a social context . ’
17 But modern scholarship has made it clear that it was in France , more so than in England , that urban defensive requirements played a major part in securing the widespread acceptance of artillery as a means of deterring or countering a prospective enemy .
18 When UNTCOK began to assess the situation in January 1948 it was clear that it was impossible to fulfil the conditions of the UN resolution .
19 The sea below was so clear that it was possible to enjoy the underwater antics of swimming guillemots , even from such a height .
20 However , from the teacher 's comments it was clear that it was very much intended .
21 A report of the work was typed by the school secretary but its informal style and the sometimes cryptic references to individual children make it clear that it was intended for internal circulation only .
22 Kraal was inclined to say , fixing Woil with a glare and flexing his talons back and forth to make it clear that it was just as well there were three cages between them because if there were n't …
23 It is not very clear whether section 17(2) adds a third element or is subsumed in ( b ) , but it is clear that it was intended to be more difficult to obtain an interlocutory injunction in trade dispute cases than in others .
24 I have no desire to detract from Mike Broderick 's promotion , but as The Bookseller is a journal of record I would like to make it clear that it was only following my resignation that the position of group home sales director was created at Random House .
25 Though Bede considered Oswald 's brother and successor , Oswiu , to have been the sixth of the overlords of the Anglo-Saxons ( HE 11 , 5 ) , it is clear that it was many years before Oswiu could securely establish himself as king even over all the northern Angles let alone as overlord of his southern neighbours and that this latter position was very short-lived .
26 In his concluding press conference Mikoian also made it clear that it was Havana , rather than Moscow , which was stalling on the resumption of diplomatic relations , a remark which was not quoted in the Pravda report ( Dinerstein : 1962 , p. 68 ) .
27 It is clear that it was the sexual context ( and in particular , despite the judge 's protestations to the contrary , the gay sexual context ) of the ‘ assaults ’ that provoked Judge Rant 's ruling against consent being used as a defence and the harsh sentences which followed .
28 From documents in Israeli archives , it has become clear that it was not the Shahs personal decision to grant de facto recognition to Israel .
29 His young master brought him in repeatedly and I went through the motions , trying at the same time to make it clear that it was all hopeless .
30 When the offence of obstructing a constable was first enacted by Parliament , it seems reasonably clear that it was intended to refer to physical obstruction only .
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