Example sentences of "describe [prep] one [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 At one time the abbot 's vineyards stretched all the way to the River Severn , from beneath the castle walls where 98 corpses hung after the siege of Shrewsbury described in One Corpse Too Many .
2 It was by Roland Summit , a child psychiatrist based in California in the United States , who had been described in one newspaper article as being discredited .
3 In 1988 Lieutenant-General Maher Abd al-Rashid , war hero of campaigns in the south and described at one time as having fought a ‘ perfect tank battle ’ in the desert near the Howeizah marshes , was said to be under house arrest .
4 The senior management in all the survey schools were concerned with the central problem described by one school as ‘ any distribution of monies to departments is fraught with difficulties — each department is aware of its own pressing needs and yet the overall sum available is insufficient to meet the needs of all ’ .
5 The small talk before the meeting was described by one Minister as ‘ muted ’ , the atmosphere ‘ austere , a bit desolate ’ .
6 Current British Government inspired reforms of vocational training have been described by one expert as leading to the creation of a ‘ certified semi-literature under class . ’
7 MORE than 3,000 job losses were announced yesterday in cutbacks grimly described by one union leader as ‘ an avalanche of destruction and misery . ’
8 Described by one writer as a cross between ‘ a sultan and a bandolier , a caliph and an ascetic , and a rural schoolmaster and a guerrilla ’ , Mr Anguita , 48 , is the kind of politician who carries his own revolver .
9 The effect of this policy has been described by one writer in the following terms :
10 Ninety per cent of farms are seven hectares or less and 54 per cent are plots of less than 1.4 hectares , described by one writer as ‘ the size of a grave ’ .
11 Many sauropods , in spite of their ever-growing height spurred on by the need to reach the foliage of trees growing ever higher , had hollowed out , weight-saving vertebrae and a pelvic girdle described by one writer as being like a suspension bridge , with the massive erect hind legs acting as the down-pillar , and the long torso and rigid tail acting as the cross-span .
12 Nor was the pope immune from criticism and the new pope , Innocent , is described by one writer as caring only for worldly goods .
13 As described by one character , this catch-all phrase is ‘ a short way of saying that they do n't claim to find either the ultimate cause or the ultimate cure , but they do know exactly how it functions , and can prescribe accordingly ’ ( 149/151 ) .
14 It was described by one correspondent as a ghost city .
15 Finland also attempted to shore up the markka with the appointment of a new woman central bank governor , Sirkka Haemaelaeinen , described by one banker as a ‘ market orientated tough egg ’ .
16 His father had been a prominent supporter of Edward II , and had been described by one chronicler as ‘ worse than Piers Gaveston ’ .
17 This great tower loomed over Rome — as indeed it still does although halved by a later earthquake — dominating the Capitol , the Colosseum , the Quirinal and the route from the Lateran to St Peter 's , and was described by one chronicler as touching the clouds .
18 The diesel check , described by one test station owner as ‘ the worst possible thing you could do to any engine , ’ was suspended yesterday pending the results of an inquiry into the damage claims .
19 If not quite ‘ that elderly British pair ’ as they were described by one TV station , they were older than the other writers and this sometimes had its benefits .
20 Described by one resident as a rough area , Walton village lies in the shadow of both Everton and Liverpool football clubs .
21 Associated Nursing Services ' 1991 accounts , described by one analyst as ‘ weird ’ , were brought to the Panel 's attention for two reasons .
22 Careering between two extremes Described by one director as being ‘ an actress who can do anything ’ , Edith MacArthur talks to Colin Donald ‘ The play is all about charm …
23 The Government wants to reduce productivity payments to dentists because it says they 're treating too many patients.The move has been described by one dentist as appalling.Richard Barnett reports :
24 The Government wants to reduce productivity payments to dentists because it says they 're treating too many patients.The move has been described by one dentist as appalling.Richard Barnett reports :
25 Thus the early discomfort is described by one author as ‘ a sensation of tingling or pricking which comes and goes suddenly , as if a fly were settling down ’ .
26 Described by one author as the Jekyll and Hyde Cat , this animal suddenly lashes out and attacks its friendly owner 's hand .
27 They moved on to Warkworth , on the coast , where Forster was now more or less elected to the post of James 's general in England , though he and his followers knew little of the art of war , being described by one observer as ‘ fox hunters armed with dress swords ’ .
28 The site , on the east side of Bristol was described by one source as ‘ a superb place to host a festival ’ .
29 NME was tipped off last week that REM were planning to play an unannounced set with Buck and subsequent reports led to a rush for tickets , described by one insider as ‘ absolutely frantic . ’
30 For example , the monarch was not spared by the pseudonymous critic Junius , who has been described by one historian as ‘ perhaps the ablest and most devastating political commentator ’ that England has ever produced ( Plumb , 1966 : 118 ) .
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