Example sentences of "only [noun sg] [pron] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Thatcher should do either as the Mail demands and replace Mr Lawson with a Chancellor of whose policies she can wholeheartedly approve or , as Mr Heseltine urges , lift her veto against the only course which could give credibility to an exchange rate policy .
2 But the only , I think the only course he 'll pass is mucking about course , let's see who can muck about for the next three years the most .
3 The only part I could
4 When the judge told him the only sentence he could pass was that of life imprisonment , Meehan said loudly and clearly , ‘ I want to say this , sir .
5 No they do n't , but it was the only accent I could think of at the time .
6 The only bit they could cope with was designing a trendy logo .
7 It says a lot for the authors ' efficiency in organising this cast subject that the only bit I ca n't pass without comment concerns the conservative backlash against the feminism of the Thatcher years .
8 I think the only response you can make to any child who 's facing a challenge is that you care , that you will be patient , that you will go on and on and on .
9 This is the only contract we will have with our client should we have to pursue payment via legal means .
10 I know you enjoy your own company and that 's a good thing 'cause it looks like it 's the only kind you 'll ever get .
11 which is the only update I can do , cos they 're in banks of four .
12 If this is the only decision they can come up with , they should resign en bloc .
13 Assessment of drug therapy was restricted to the costs of the diuretic spironolactone as this was the only drug which could be identified as having significant financial implications .
14 Assessment of drug therapy was restricted to the costs of the diuretic spironolactone as this was the only drug which could be identified as having significant financial implications .
15 She said she gave it to her daughter because she believed it was the only drug which could help alleviate her condition .
16 For dissident Catholics , Marxism was the only ideology which could provide a sufficiently all-encompassing vision to replace what they had rejected , replicating the Church 's concepts of dogma , orthodoxy and heresy .
17 If you have HIV and are well , the only change which may be necessary is a regular visit to the clinic or hospital for a health check .
18 The only change I would perhaps make is to increase the lighting level slightly .
19 The only function I could perform now was to take the body back to Skeldale House for disposal .
20 But the only noise he could hear coming from the barn was the men 's loud and regular breathing , and when he entered , he found them all asleep , including Troy .
21 The only difficulty you might face is in getting the right look — doors that match the style of your house — but manufacturers have come a long way from the early aluminium-framed types , and a range of styles is now available .
22 The only difficulty you might face is in getting the right look — windows that match the style of your house .
23 ‘ T was the only story he 'd have from me at his bedtime , before he was grown …
24 Where annual rents were protected by custom , the only payment which could be varied was the entry fine payable by a new tenant , and one can see a decline in these comparable with those in payments for leases .
25 The only weakness I could find while reading it was in fact , the ending .
26 Realising this was the only concession he would be likely to get , Grant nodded his acceptance .
27 The only concession I could not get was leave to see him alone , but it 's plain I should have got nowhere with him even so .
28 It 's the only verdict they could have returned .
29 The only route I 'll describe here is The Viking ( E3 5c ) , the first route of that grade in the Lakes .
30 Sheila was in complete agreement with me on this subject , and the only disadvantage we could see to living in a barracks was having men in heavy boots walking about over your head .
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