Example sentences of "after a long [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 After a long interlude that features some unrecognisable classical piece , Faust troop onstage and proceed to twiddle knobs , hit their strange percussion devices and strum on an acoustic guitar .
2 Dr Vijayan also reports that after a long struggle to arouse their interest , Pakistani environmentalists are aware of the threat to the bird .
3 My headmaster and a teacher , after a long struggle , managed to convince my Papa that it was in my best interest to pursue such a training .
4 After a long struggle Raymond v of Toulouse had eventually , in 1176 , resigned all his rights over Provence ; and in 1177 Alfonso had taken over Roussillon .
5 A thousand strange phantoms arise , which come and go without his will : these , which are transient in the beginning , at last take firm possession of the mind , which yields to their dominion , and , after a long struggle , runs into continued madness .
6 The winning of " possession " in 1985 after a long struggle in the courts will prove to have been a shallow victory if the protection attaches [ sic ] to this status is to be further undermined , leaving absolute control once again in the hands of the " greater possessors " , the owners .
7 After a long struggle David and Greg managed to extricate the pilot from the tangled control panel and administered oxygen to help his breathing ; then together , with help from the paramedics , they transferred him to a stretcher .
8 On the last day of the siege , February 28 , 1972 , 300 police stormed the hotel held by five Red Army guerrillas , including Sakaguchi and Bando , after a long barrage by water cannon and teargas .
9 Once , after a long night spent putting up posters , Paul Simonon heated up the remainder of the flour and water paste on a rusty blade and ate it .
10 We reported back to the school secretary , who after a long pause said , ‘ I 'm sorry , we posted that order direct to the publisher , who was offering a 50% discount . ’
11 After a long pause Clare opened her eyes and looked at Caro .
12 After a long battle , these buildings , above , have been restored , below , and retain all their original features
13 After a long battle one was opened in the Polytechnic gymnasium , with the BMC footing the not inconsiderable bill .
14 Sali Vongkhamsao , a member of both the politburo and the secretariat of the Lao People 's Revolutionary Party and a Vice-Chairman of the Council of Ministers and Minister of Economy , Planning and Finance , died on Jan. 23 , aged 66 , after a long illness .
15 In February 1921 Armstrong 's wife Katherine died , after a long illness .
16 Like the biological positivists before him , after a long treatise devoted to ‘ scientific rigour ’ he suddenly turns , at the crucial point , to unrigorous lay belief .
17 The revival of takeover speculation — there is little doubt that European and Japanese buyers lurk — has occurred at a time when the merchant bankers , after a long period in the doldrums , are enjoying a rerating on trading considerations .
18 It is significant that a popular monarch , making war at the very start of his reign , after a long period of peace , could only raise such inadequate sums .
19 After a long period of soothing and occasional stroking he managed to get his arms round her .
20 Then she rang Nancy Leadbetter who was fetched by a servant and , after a long interval , answered sleepily .
21 After a long career break occasioned by her husband 's job 's being moved to Paris , and her having her two children , she found herself , back in England , designing her own kitchen .
22 On June 20 , after a long debate , 377 Bundestag deputies voted in favour of Berlin as the seat of the united German legislature and government , while 320 deputies voted in favour of Bonn .
23 After a long silence Joanna said thoughtfully , ‘ Well , he could be right .
24 But after a long moment Alexei stepped back , his hands loose at his sides .
25 He exuded sympathy and concern , urged Amiss to take as much time off as he felt necessary , assured him he would be given sick pay and that his job would be secure , and only after a long argument agreed very reluctantly that he could come back on duty the following day .
26 Again , after a long dumbness ,
27 Richard Jones is back in the reckoning at last after a long injury lay off .
28 After a long gap , Coke resumed collecting in the 1750s when he acquired works from artists/dealers/auctions in Italy and Paris : some of the best examples come from this period .
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