Example sentences of "until we have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Managing director of the family-run firm , Owen Patterson , said : ‘ We are looking at rationalising the workforce but it is not fair to talk about numbers until we have completed discussions with unions .
2 However , it can be possible for the documents to be signed after you have sent a payment by cheque provided that you arrange for us to hold the cheque and not pay it into the bank until we have received the signed Deed of Covenant .
3 In that case we ca n't finalise this one until we have decided that .
4 I 'm not signing or changing anything Richard until we have exchanged contracts
5 Right meditation : the true meaning of meditation is a training of the mind to its limits until we have reached a point where we are fully aware of our true nature and free from our desires , fears and intolerance .
6 Mr Lang stated : ‘ I 'm not going to start answering specific questions about specific aspects of how one of the individual solutions we may chose will apply until we have reached a conclusion about the right way forward then we can address this issue and debate it fully , but as things stand at present I see no reason to have to change that law . ’
7 If you believe , as I do , that miracles sometimes take place between the brain and the writing hand , that we do not always know what we want to write until we have written it , then you will be gratified when the unconscious makes one of its surprise and glorious forays onto the page and not seek to suppress what has been given without your asking .
8 We must not move on until we have understood that this philosophical impetus to the modern age is the rise of a new humanism with man at the centre .
9 ‘ We never put a variety on the list until we have grown it ourselves for a year . ’
10 A description of their origins and fate will have to wait until we have followed the development of the invertebrates to its climax , but their presence at this stage must be mentioned if the scene in these first jungles is not to be misrepresented .
11 ‘ You must live with your curse until we have eaten our fill . ’
12 Now with the absence of the Iraqi air force , are they being held back until we have lost sufficient aircraft , and with no back up aircraft , and erm then we will our erm airforce and our land forces will be under attack from the Iraqis and the war will be a prolonged war .
13 A finance spokesman said : ‘ We wont write anything off until we have made fairly extensive inquiries . ’
14 We also wish to declare that we are willing to pay the ultimate price for achieving our independent state and that our Uprising , the Intifada will not stop until we have achieved this goal .
15 The unpredictability remains even when we have read to the end of the couplet. even when we have processed both lines of the couplet , our understanding will not be complete until we have gone back over the lines from the viewpoint of their relationship .
16 By what route the technique got into West Africa — or even whether it was independently devised there — can not be ascertained until we have discovered more sites of the first millennium AD , and earlier in West Africa .
17 We continue experimenting with different transformations from the summary values until we have done the best we can to promote symmetry and Gaussian shape .
18 There are some would-be events that are too improbable to be contemplated , but we ca n't know this until we have done a calculation .
19 We feel we can not comment on their allegations until we have seen it too , ’ Roy Batchelor , Rugby 's spokesman said .
20 I do not know how we can make that judgment until we have seen the texture of the decision that we are being asked to make .
21 thank you situation are appointed jointly by the County Council and the County and effectively these consultations and of that er appointment and the following the last Committee we agreed with the er detail and of the and we also agreed that we would not go ahead with the which until we have seen the result of the consultation and therefore there still outstanding as whether we wish to action the not .
22 ‘ We do n't think the product is right yet , ’ he said , ‘ so there is no use marketing it until we have got it right .
23 However , we will have to leave this for now with a sense of pessimism , because we will find no way forward until we have got to grips with forces other than production change which , very much in interaction with production change , are constitutive of civil society and of social being .
24 ‘ But we wo n't be able to say what happened until we have looked at the area in daylight . ’
25 We shall not have the makings of a dynamical theory until we have succeeded in finding a way to represent within our formalism these dynamical variables , these observable quantities of the theory .
26 We are democrats and accept that until we have convinced people by the force of our argument , we should go along with the view of the majority of the organisations of which we are a member .
27 She said : ‘ We did get a fair hearing from Coun Bland yesterday but we will carry on campaigning until we have won .
28 Meanwhile , it must be reiterated that we can not help others in their sexual problems until we have come to terms with our own .
29 Celia Brackenridge seems to think that it is at best frivolous , and at worst ideologically unsound , to suggest that any progressive change is possible in a field of civil society and popular culture ( such as sport ) unless or until we have put the world to right .
30 All this is programmatic until we have shown what the crucial sceptical argument is .
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