Example sentences of "so it 's good " in BNC.

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1 Smooth-trowelled finishes can be slippery in winter , so it 's best to finish with a wooden float as this will give a slightly textured surface .
2 However hard you think , you always end up buying something useless , so it 's best to save time and decide on something useless straight off .
3 China with overglaze decoration Gold and silver decoration may fade , so it 's best to check this with the manufacturer .
4 Some fruit may have been given an artificial protective coating , so it 's best to wash them in warm soapy water and rinse them well before use .
5 In some cases , I 'm told , pieces of the womb break free and invade other parts of the body , including the lungs , so it 's best not to ignore any symptoms .
6 This can be useful ; the only thing to bear in mind is that too many icons in here will increase the time taken for Windows to get going , so it 's best to keep Start Up for the real essentials .
7 Views and positions do vary a little , so it 's best rooms to early bookers .
8 There 'll be a lot of pressure so it 's best to try to seek a compromise rather than a perfect solution .
9 A favourite composer of Beecham 's was Berlioz , so it 's good to have back in circulation his famous 1957 performance of the Symphonie Fantastique with the French National Radio Orchestra ( CDM7 64032 2 ) coupled with the overtures King Lear , made with the RPO , and the pre-War and still vivid Carnival Romain with the LPO ; even if the recording of the last is a bit confined .
10 Of course , like Marshall , Boogie 's reputation is built on tone , so it 's good to see that at the centre of all this gain and distortion is a fundamentally great sound .
11 The cost of recharging the Super Dustbuster is minimal : it uses less than half the amount of electricity used by a light bulb , so it 's good value for money as well as being environmentally friendly .
12 Most prisoners are locked up inside so it 's good to be able to work outside .
13 Most prisoners are locked up inside so it 's good to be able to work outside .
14 I sometimes believe that motorcyclists are often overlooked so it 's good to see us being taken care of in this manner .
15 Lipstick Lip pencil leaves a hard , obvious line , so it 's better to use a brush .
16 Skins on the segment and the pith both contain substances called bioflavonoids which enhance the effect of vitamin C , so it 's better to make use of the whole fruits rather than simply pressing them for your breakfast juice .
17 So it 's better to turn the water off while using it . ’
18 Curtains should look full so it 's better to have yards and yards of a cheaper material than meagre amounts of an expensive one .
19 All of these faults can occur within two years of the kitchen being installed and the cost of mending the damage is often more than it would be to replace all the cabinets — so it 's better to check .
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