Example sentences of "so they could not " in BNC.

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1 One would ‘ ring-fence ’ or protect the grants to be given to local authorities so they could not be used for other purposes ; the other would give elderly and disabled people in local authority residential homes the same social security rights as those in private or voluntary sector homes .
2 We dragged the man free and Warren drove the car at the dogs to box them in the alleyway so they could not escape .
3 The tide was high , so they could not climb on the rocks and breakwaters , or explore the caves .
4 Snaith was a Peculiar , ie it had its own ecclesiastical court and in many ways it was exempt from the jurisdiction of the Bishop , which may explain the fact that the Bishop 's inspectors came to interview the brothers at Snaith for reported ‘ indiscretions ’ and were unable to carry out their inspection because the brothers had summoned the ferry to the Snaith bank so they could not cross the river !
5 Other prisoners said that in Keraterm — a notorious PoW camp which they dubbed Auschwitz — prisoners were crippled by having the ligaments in a knee cut out and tied in a knot so they could not return to the fighting .
6 New labourers came out , many from Ireland where pressure on land was unusually severe ; they came from southern Irish ports , so they could not have been directly affected by the English conquest and the Scottish settlement of Ulster at the beginning of the seventeenth century , but possibly Irish landlords felt that it no longer made sense to keep up private armies and turned men out of service for this reason .
7 In 1910 few Liberals had argued for Home Rule in their election addresses or speeches , so they could not be said to have a clear mandate for it .
8 Just as Unionists had rejected an Irish compromise in 1914 after years of commitment to Ulster , so they could not envisage anything short of total victory after the national sacrifices since 1914 .
9 This was because they generally had low and insecure incomes , so they could not obtain a mortgage for buying their own suburban house .
10 Leather Lane is a weekday market so they could not have been bought there before Monday , and the bags must have been dropped into the letterbox later that morning .
11 Mr Edmonds said all companies would have to pay the same base rate so they could not complain of unfair competition .
12 Perhaps it 's that bloke who locked the gates in Gibraltar so they could n't get into Spain .
13 I should have caught some more waves so they could n't underscore me .
14 The Kennedys from the chemist were all boys so they would n't be there , and Dr Johnson 's children were all too young so they could n't come either .
15 Her first sight of a submarine had brought back the pain of Gerry 's death and she 'd had to tell herself that those in the loch were ours , so they could n't be all that bad .
16 Cor , there was boxes of brand new tools come down there , spanners , and they used to be the , like these , like a big chopper , well they used to have couple of all with erm breezed up with erm like greaseproof paper over 'em , bag 'em up into the holds , guns , there was guns , what done with the guns they hit the er , just near the barrel or the trigger , th they used to flatten them out so they could n't use 'em but they all went in the ships bombs , or little shells they used to find in there , all scrap iron .
17 Sybil had never even set eyes on Rodney so they could n't possibly suspect him of her murder , now could they ?
18 Of course the answer is changing the myth would have made Moses Hebrew and not Egyptian , because if Moses had been the daughter of Pharaoh he would had to been Egyptian and that the Hebrews could n't tolerate because at a later stage their religion became strongly ethnic and racially divided , you really got to be born Jewish to be Jewish , so they could n't tolerate their , their founding fathers of not being anything but Jewish , so they altered it , they changed the records and they falsified the myth , but they left this glaring inconsistency in it , so the myth is no longer it 's er rewritten and this is one of the little bits of evidence and now of course erm if you do n't take psychoanalyst insights into the family romance seriously , that may not cut much ice for you , but if you erm appreciate the force of these unconscious stereotypes in creating this like this , it 's cert it 's a quite potent piece of evidence because you think well why should the , the Bible change the myth , why ca n't it just put up with the normal myth .
19 I was convinced that the grass near the fence was long enough to conceal me , so they could n't possibly have spotted me .
20 ‘ Their aim was to defeat the experts and to deliberately lock out systems managers so they could n't get into their computers , ’ said Mr Richardson .
21 He , they left the er they 'd gone said leave it in the conservatory , then he went out and and and and er shut his conservatory so they could n't leave it so they asked me to keep it for him .
22 Started to make some biscuits and then read the recipe afterwards and she had to put it in the fridge for twenty four hours in the , the pastry in the fridge so they could n't make the biscuits , there I 'm sitting here expecting erm , a biscuit and nothing came , dear , it was n't one of those recipes that you could make it straight away was it ?
23 I mean , so they could n't have been for er er Germany .
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