Example sentences of "decide that it [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 I have been speaking to him on the phone and we have decided that it would be in everyone 's interest to postpone First Holy Communion until the last Sunday of term , July 15th .
2 Scientists at the UKAEA have decided that it would be too expensive to reprocess these ‘ intermediate ’ wastes to make them safer before dumping .
3 After much thought , I have decided that it would be in everyone 's interests to terminate the lessons .
4 I strained to hear , and had just decided that it would be difficult to hear an idling motor over the lap and rush of the sea in the channel , when I saw the light .
5 In 1986 it was decided that it would take three years to complete the job , twice as long as to construct a new building .
6 If she fails at the substantive hearing , that will be because the court will then have decided that it would not be in [ J. 's ] best interest for his life to be artificially saved or prolonged .
7 The blast which had flung down the doors at the front had strangely left the windows intact , but when Pat arrived home it was decided that it would be better to leave Julia in the bed in the cellar .
8 Consequently , the authority has decided that it would be misleading to include these amounts in a balance sheet which provides some measure of what the authority is ‘ worth ’ .
9 Mrs Grandison chose ham and salad , thinking sadly of the splendid sirloin , for she had decided that it would have been that if she had been given the choice .
10 Therefore , we have decided that it would not be appropriate to introduce separate charges for sewerage and the provisions in the Bill for water and sewerage charges in Scotland will essentially maintain the existing system whereby regional and island councils set the appropriate levels .
11 Having decided that it would take at least a month for Praia do Carvoeiro to be slotted into Vitor 's hectic schedule again , Ashley was surprised when the black BMW drew up outside her house a couple of weeks later .
12 Although the Laboratory was not meant to divulge any results to Alan until the eight-week period was over , it was decided that it might be better to know the results at six weeks , and perhaps to end the experimental diet at this point .
13 St Bartholomew 's church at Covenham was declining to the state of danger when a parish in California asked if they might have it and ship it stone by stone to the U.S.A. This caused much controversy for a while but finally it was decided that it should remain and be safely maintained on its original consecrated site .
14 If the tribunal had , for example , decided that it should be comprised of , inter alia , the need for certain fixtures and fittings , and then later ignored this but still invoked the phrase furnished tenancy , all the objections expressed to the separation of the sum from the parts would still apply .
15 Later , at a party conference in Lotoka on April 26 , delegates had decided that it should put up candidates in the elections , but should refuse to take up any seats which it won , to underline the rejection of the racially based Constitution .
16 But none of this is the essence of Mrs Thatcher 's problem which is rather that , on the essential questions of economic management , the government gives the impression either of having lost its momentum or of having decided that it must settle for something well short of what Mrs Thatcher seemed to promise in the way of reducing the size of the public sector and also the burden of taxation .
17 The Government took the opposite view ; but now they have decided that it must be made high profile again . ’
18 Ciba-Geigy had decided that it could ‘ no longer aim towards a global position in the phosphate ester business ’ , according to Klaus Grundmann , head of the company 's Additives Division .
19 Suppose the U K government has decided that it can not free-ride on other governments : either it pays its share of launch aid or the whole project collapses .
20 But RAF chiefs faced with defence cutbacks have decided that it will shut after all .
21 That has now decided that it will have one meeting of it 's council a year which will be it 's A G M , it has not for the moment elected an executive committee .
22 It is a choice that is fully there for us to make at the same time and in the same fashion as other countries , except that we have the additional option of deciding that it would not be right for this country .
23 Deciding that it must be because his plans had been thwarted , she firmly dismissed him from her thoughts .
24 The court astonished everybody by deciding that it could not rule on the legality or otherwise of something that had not happened yet .
25 The local authority decided that it would not be possible to rehabilitate the child with her natural parents and that her welfare required that her future lay elsewhere .
26 ( Notice the change which the Durham professorship , and Joan 's coming , wrought — in 1940 no one could conceive of this absent-minded man as a bishop , and six or seven years later the electors to the see of Edinburgh mulled over his name and decided that it would not do , and five years after that both archbishops and the prime minister 's office were agreed that he would be a very good bishop . )
27 Coventry decided that it would cost more to contest the claim than pay it ; so Clarkson will get £74 for the party 's four tickets and travelling expenses .
28 And I feel if now we deny ourselves our greatest delight and say our love alone shall make us strong , our strength shall not depend on anything but our love then indeed I think we shall be creating an independence of each other , which can only make our binding sympathy more perfect … . for the present , for the 14 months before I am 21 then I have after much real thought , much consideration decided that it would be best for both of us to be separated …
29 It was hoped to use the Crown allotment in Exmoor Forest for this purpose , but after partition the Commissioners decided that it would not in fact be suitable , and in 1818 it was sold for £50,000 to a Mr Knight , who enclosed it .
30 ( And , in case I muddled the halves and thought the lady 's name was Mary Marks , I decided that it would be a very windy day and that , as the skirt of her wedding gown was blown by the gales , I was able to see that she was wearing suspenders . )
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