Example sentences of "father was [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Another source of income was concert parties : my father was part of a double act with his brother , Charlie ; Charlie was the gent in white tie and tails , my father played the village idiot in a ginger wig with most of his teeth blacked out .
2 Joyce himself claimed that he was approached by Edward Barron whose father was proprietor of the Carreras Tobacco Company .
3 His father was chairman of the local branch of the ruling National Party .
4 Er we er my father was chaplain to a big military hospital there .
5 His father was Vicar of Dent and Adam spent his boyhood there .
6 's father was master of her at one stage .
7 The reason for this electoral angst stems from an incident in 1983 when his father was Minister for Agriculture and Nick was due to receive his degree from Newcastle University .
8 His father was aide-de-camp to Prince Frederick , Duke of York .
9 His father was Superintendent of Police , living with his wife and family over Henley Police Station .
10 Her father was president of his own securities corporation , an East Coast patrician — ; ‘ a Mammonite , ’ Edward called him — ‘ a man whose feelings have been arrested by money , power , the dead hand of his ancestors .
11 Her father was cross with her , if not downright angry , and she felt like weeping inside .
12 Her father was rector of Langford Magna , Wiltshire , from 1704 , a friend of Bishop Gilbert Burnet [ q.v. ] , and a metaphysician .
13 He was well aware of his rights in a transfer , as his father was manager of Plymouth Argyle .
14 Her father was manager of a textile warehouse and Margaret Cairns White , her Fascist commitment apart , belonged to the aspiring middle-class of a great manufacturing city .
15 A hundred years before , Katharine , whose father was lord of Parham , married first the Earl of Suffolk , who died , and then Richard Bertie , who was a victim of Queen Mary 's persecution of the protestants .
16 Carleton 's father was receiver to the abbot of Westminster and later deputy receiver-general to the dean and chapter , a connection which secured his son a Westminster exhibition at Christ Church , Oxford , whence he passed to Gray 's Inn in 1552 .
17 The port they did n't supply you with anything , my father was captain of the dredger Dredging Plant and they did n't even supply him with a hat .
18 He began life with strong connections with the Caroline Church : his father was half-brother to Archbishop William Laud [ q.v . ] .
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