Example sentences of "decision and [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The bill reversed this decision and returned the burden of proof concerning a business necessity to the employer .
2 Once again the politicians had to seek to reverse their Lordships ' decision and passed the Trade Disputes Act 1965 .
3 They made an order quashing the decision and made a declaration that
4 The first step is to meet the Bank , to identify our members ' depth of feeling on the Labour Court decision and to explore a means of peacefully resolving the issue .
5 The family solicitor threatened to sue the council for not carrying out the panel 's decision and allowing the children to go home .
6 ONLY three weeks into his term , South Africa 's President , FW de Klerk , took what may turn out to be a milestone decision and announced the unconditional release of all but one of the black activists jailed more than 20 years ago in the Rivonia treason trial .
7 So held the Court of Appeal in O'Rourke v Binks [ 1992 ] STI 716 , allowing the Crown 's appeal against the Special Commissioners ' decision and dismissing the taxpayer 's cross-appeal .
8 Decisions taken by management are for the future , and some have a very long ‘ planning horizon ’ — the time between making the decision and seeing the consequences of that decision can be very long .
9 They accepted the right of the vigilantes to bring the charges , to make the decision and to pronounce the sentence .
10 Next day , we reported the decision and carried a Mirror Comment denouncing it .
11 The Court of Exchequer Chamber unanimously reversed this decision and held the defendant liable , and the House of Lords affirmed their decision .
12 The plaintiff vendors sought to set aside the expert 's decision and to have the court decide the matter , but the defendant purchasers said that the plaintiffs could not do that because the contract bound them to accept the expert 's decision .
13 Community workers on Skerne Park last night praised the county council 's decision and welcomed an end to the threatened bus boycott .
14 I like to see the goods before I make a decision and have a point of reference for returning them .
15 It can not be overstressed that in any particular circumstance most of the factors will be irrelevant and that one factor will tend to dominate the decision and determine the form of any particular sale .
16 It was further agreed to ask the UN Security Council to endorse this decision and to make the application of sanctions mandatory for all UN member states .
17 However , the Court of Appeal ( which judges on both points of law and points of fact ) reversed this decision and dismissed the claim , considering that the hiring of the seven men was justified by the needs of the bank .
18 It recommended that the preliminary hearing be abolished , that the district judge be required to conduct the hearing on an interventionist basis , that he or she be required to give reasons for a decision and explain the rules of law and that specific guidance should be provided on the expenses recoverable for small claims .
19 Will the Chancellor of the Duchy reconsider his decision and pay a visit to the north-west , especially so that he can meet the 800 people a week who have lost their job since this time last year as a result of the Government 's policies ?
20 The Supreme Court overruled the high court decision and declared the CBI charge sheet legal .
21 But Tories have attacked the decision and say a golden opportunity to boost foreign trade links could have been lost .
22 Special Skills/Abilities/Aptitudes Quick thinking and perception to understand the arguments put forward Ability to absorb all the strands of information Clear thinking to pick out the important points from the mass of facts Logical thinking to pursue and develop the relevant arguments Authority to control all participants in the case and achieve general acceptance of judgements made Integrity and fairness trusted by all Empathy with men , women and children from all classes , races , religions and sexualities Ability to come to decisions and reach a speedy judgement Courtesy
23 Quick thinking and perception to understand the arguments put forward Ability to absorb all the strands of information Clear thinking to pick out the important points from the mass of facts Logical thinking to pursue and develop the relevant arguments Empathy with men , women and children from all classes , races , religions and sexualities Ability to come to decisions and reach a speedy judgment .
24 Ultimately the individual receiving the service is the one whose wishes must be respected but , where that person depends on a relative for day-to-day care , it is only reasonable that the relative should be as fully involved as possible in decisions and become a full participating partner in the professional team , contributing to treatment and care plans .
25 Adolescence is a period of progressive transition from childhood to adulthood and as experience of life is acquired and intelligence and understanding grow , so will the scope of the decision-making which should be left to the minor , for it is only by making decisions and experiencing the consequences that decision-making skills will be acquired .
26 In general Mrs Bottomley has set clear boundaries and timetables for the decisions and told the relevant authorities to work out their own salvation within them .
27 The relief sought is declarations or prerogative orders to identify the lawful decisions and correct the unlawful decisions .
28 Chapter 17 examines the court 's policy in denying challenges to experts ' decisions and considers the consequences of this policy in the context of the growing use of expert determination to resolve general disputes .
29 Above all they will expect you to be self reliant , to take decisions and to demonstrate a potential to motivate and lead others .
30 It 's you making the decisions and doing the work and although I am not suggesting that you will catch twice as many pike , you will certainly catch some which a fast surface retrieve would have missed .
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