Example sentences of "decision [conj] [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The first step is to meet the Bank , to identify our members ' depth of feeling on the Labour Court decision and to explore a means of peacefully resolving the issue .
2 They accepted the right of the vigilantes to bring the charges , to make the decision and to pronounce the sentence .
3 The plaintiff vendors sought to set aside the expert 's decision and to have the court decide the matter , but the defendant purchasers said that the plaintiffs could not do that because the contract bound them to accept the expert 's decision .
4 It was further agreed to ask the UN Security Council to endorse this decision and to make the application of sanctions mandatory for all UN member states .
5 The differential information limits the ability of legislators or voters to take decisions or to monitor the performance of government agencies .
6 Above all they will expect you to be self reliant , to take decisions and to demonstrate a potential to motivate and lead others .
7 In many cases , however , despite the existence of general conventions it remains a writer 's personal decision whether to use a comma or not .
8 But cutting this benefit will throw up hard cases , what worries a Tory elder is the way younger MP s approach the decision whether to support the Government on a pick and mix principle , he says , they no longer see the need to take the rough with smooth , to vote for the things they detest as well as those they like .
9 This puts the onus clearly on the party supplying the information to show that it is sensitive and leaves the decision whether to allow the withholding of information to the regulator or responsible body concerned .
10 It is readily apparent that some courts , and some judges , have used the very ambiguity inherent in that dichotomy in an instrumental fashion ; the decision whether to label a part of the X factor as jurisdictional or non-jurisdictional is influenced by a judicial desire to intervene or not as the case may be .
11 The court said that the decision whether to close the schools was within the area of discretion left to the authority .
12 He will take the decision whether to send an investigating team and , if so , how many inspectors of each category .
13 To say that [ 18a ] and [ 18b ] are simply alternative ways of communicating the same message might be taken to suggest that the decision whether to make the assumption about house-warming parties explicit conveys nothing at all .
14 The Quality Assurance operation allows a LIFESPAN user to record a decision whether to accept the work done as a result of a DC as fit for its intended purpose .
15 In these circumstances this cost would therefore be relevant in the decision whether to increase the range of products .
16 A final decision whether to grant an entertainment licence will be taken in March .
17 For the category of policy issues is taken to embrace not only substantive political decisions , such as the decision whether to build a nuclear power station , or a motorway , but also procedural political decisions such as those relating to the form of the decision-making process itself .
18 The ramifications of the decision whether to build a motorway or not are enormous .
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