Example sentences of "send in [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I send in a couple of men ? ’
2 After sending in a tape , with a biography , contact address and a photo , a useful approach can be to update the A&R department every time your band does one or a series of gigs. send in a sheet of paper personally addressed to your target A&R person .
3 When you ring , Butlin 's will make a provisional booking and request that you send in a booking form , available in a Butlin 's Holiday Worlds brochure .
4 Companies send in a tape or disk holding their records , and the bureau verifies each record against the telephone lists held in BT 's database .
5 The rejected text gave the parties until Monday to resolve the dispute , failing which the government would take full powers for the railways in Transcaucasia , and send in the army to guard bridges and tunnels , and ensure the safety of rail workers .
6 Send in the nurse .
7 When a circus comes to town they send in the stars … so who better than Desert Orchid to lead the festival parade into Cheltenham …
8 Send in the cavalry .
9 Send in the clowns
10 Send in the Clowns
11 Send in the clowns Beadle loses the battle at Bognor to the Batband .
12 BOGNOR Send in the clowns Beadle loses the battle of Bognor to the Batband .
13 We also run a Hi-Watt 50 amp through a Marshall Emulator ; that goes through the direct send in the rack to the desk , so the sound man out front gets that as well as the mics on Bryan 's two Vox amps .
14 To arrange a visit , or for further details of the pre-application visiting days , please send in the visit request form at the back of the prospectus .
15 Several teachers have arranged for their recreational classes to sponsor a specialised group , and the Membership Secretary has funds in hand to finance the membership of other specialised groups — please send in the names of all participants and the venue of the class .
16 do you know where you send in the thing to ?
17 Send in the form at any time during the year , but it only takes effect at the beginning of the next tax year , in April .
18 Look through the list on the page opposite , select the fan club of your choice , send in the form with the remittance and receive six newsletters , six black and white photographs , plus a player biography , not to mention your free adidas accessory .
19 People that send in the clips set up their jokes a lot too !
20 If you intend to buy mail order , make sure you are familiar with the shoe and the correct size or send in an outline of your foot to help the supplier .
21 Send in an expert , ’ Brownlow said .
22 In previous years the selection of the carnival queen had been organised by elimination contests in the town and surrounding villages , but 30 years ago the committee asked that young ladies should send in a copy of a recent photograph .
23 ‘ It was like a collective , you could either buy the porn through the mail , or you could send in a tape of yourself and get plugged into the apparatus that way , ’ explains David James , a film professor at the University of Southern California , who has researched the phenomenon .
24 I would send in a note addressed to Mellowes .
25 In the case of respondents whose arguments will be simply that the judgment of the court below is correct for the reasons given , counsel for the respondent can send in a letter to that effect in lieu of a skeleton argument .
26 ‘ This is to ensure that your ex does n't send in the tape after you split up and try to invade your right to privacy . ’
27 They also identify the concept of patterning care to take advantage of a person 's routine to send in a helper ‘ when it gets dark ’ to prepare a light meal before bed .
28 Rosemary not only took 3rd place with this contribution but was sufficiently enthusiastic about the competition to send in a batch of other entries from the newsletters she has edited without even mentioning it to their writers .
29 Every February , like thousands of others artists up and down the country , I have to decide which of my paintings to submit to the Royal Academy ; you are allowed to send in a maximum of three works for which you pay a fee of £9 each .
30 It was a deserved win for the Dons , whose threat was evident as early as the fifth minute when Scott Booth outpaced Mike Galloway on the right to send in a cross which narrowly evaded the outstretched Duncan Shearer .
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