Example sentences of "anything to [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Then when we came out we s went around London to see the sights but the decorations but why we went I did n't think anything to them at all this year .
2 In the summer men can wear shorts or whatever they like ( and sometimes they look revolting in them , too ! ) and no one says anything to them about it .
3 I I do n't think , we had a matron who was extremely strict and I do n't think we would 've dared to say anything to her at all .
4 She used to sit behind her desk looking very prim and proper , and er I do n't , I do n't quite honestly think we would 've dared say anything to her at all .
5 I 'm wondering whether I should say anything to her about the police , and about the retired judge Jamieson being ‘ assaulted ’ , whatever that means .
6 Who dare offer anything to her in such an orderly and wellgoverned house as yours , and under a master of so good a character for virtue and honour ?
7 They had n't said anything to him at the depot ; they had n't told him anything about not getting unemployment money .
8 It would be unwise , therefore , to say anything to him of what he had learned about Ipuky 's sons from his first marriage , or about the other visitor to the City of Dreams .
9 Before I go to sleep I wonder about whether I should have said anything to him about Mr Archer and his phone calls and Ares .
10 He chose to ignore all the ‘ No Smoking ’ signs on display and the disdainful looks of the nursing staff , who were obviously too intimidated by his status to say anything to him about it .
11 Should I say anything to him about the way I feel , or are my friends right and should I try to forget about him ?
12 Although if you if you say anything to him in Gaelic , he answers you in English I notice .
13 When I left Uganda after my marriage , my mum told me , never write anything to me about your troubles because you did n't listen to us .
14 He 's never said anything to me about moving away from Cliff Top — ’
15 ‘ He has n't said anything to me about it . ’
16 He did n't say anything to me about renting out his house .
17 But nobody said anything to me about that , nor about where Mr Marr 's body had gone after Pikey ran into him with Lethal Weapon II .
18 No , Elaine never mentioned anything to me about your being a twin . ’
19 For that matter , he 's never said anything to me about you either .
20 Now they 've got the bloody nerve to charge us half when we live there I do n't think she 'd dare say anything to me about it .
21 I 'm afraid it did n't mean anything to me at the time .
22 It does n't mean anything to me at all . ’
23 ‘ What did you want to bring anything to me for ? ’
24 Consequently , according to Nida , ‘ it is impossible to say anything to anyone without indicating the relative degree of respect to which the speaker and hearer are entitled in the community ’ .
25 ‘ They should always check for identification and following the incident should not disclose anything to anyone without first checking with their bank direct . ’
26 They had to be careful about saying anything to anyone about still having a rosary or praying to the Blessed Virgin , because Mr Drew , the vicar of St Saviour 's , was pleasing the Bishop of Launceston by being a good Protestant .
27 Ideas of salvation and conversion were of course inextricably linked in Rose of Lima 's culture ; and this clear , driving sense of purpose in her life must not be underestimated if she is to reveal anything to us in a historical sense .
28 And even those modern fictional texts , such as the novels of Samuel Beckett , that seem dedicated to demonstrating the impossibility of communicating anything to anybody about anything , do so by alluding to a paradigmatic act of storytelling , a paradise lost of communication :
29 Did n't think anything to it at the time .
30 One print worker who was daubed and paraded on a trolley around Croydon in Surrey as an apprentice 25 years ago said : ‘ The worst thing was if they did n't do anything to you at all — it showed you were n't wanted . ’
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