Example sentences of "continue [to-vb] [adv] at " in BNC.

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1 However , he had continued to look regularly at the newspapers for other vacancies .
2 You worked for him , ’ she prompted when Mrs McMahon only continued to stare worriedly at the package .
3 Corporate Finance and Safety teams will continue to report separately at top level to AEA corporate management , who will continue to have a small CHQ support team .
4 This may have embarrassed Loughborough 's Richard Wareham , the tight-head who played in the England Under-21 front row when they hammered Romania in Bucharest last May , and the youngsters continued to go backwards at a rate of knots in tight and loose .
5 Across the oceans , Sotheby 's continues to plug away at the Japanese market with its Print sale in Tokyo , now bolstered by a few nihonga ( Japanese-style ) paintings .
6 Alan continued to work hard at his course , and Carolyn looked after the baby and kept house .
7 She smiled ruefully , then continued to wave frantically at the approaching train .
8 Shiona clenched her fists beneath the table and continued to glare across at him with ferociously narrowed eyes .
9 We will continue to look closely at mergers in the brewing industry which fall for consideration under the fair trading legislation .
10 Such people are going to be disappointed with what follows , for I shall merely continue to look critically at some of the concepts to which she has given prominence .
11 He continued to smile across at her .
12 Miss Honey continued to look steadily at Matilda through her steel-rimmed spectacles and Matilda looked back at her just as steadily .
13 A whole host of emotions warring for supremacy — confusion , hurt , anger — she continued to stare unseeingly at Leo 's sister .
14 On the great northern coalfield they did not work underground after 1780 , although to some extent they continued to do so at some pits in Yorkshire , Lancashire and Cumberland .
15 Michael Heseltine had his own way at the Department of the Environment and will continue to do so at Trade and Industry , where supporters of his during the leadership contest have been given junior positions .
16 To put it slightly differently , it is important to understand that the poverty of the Third World and the wealth of the West are the outcome of an interlinked process in which the rapid and massive growth in Western prosperity has occurred and continues to do so at the expense and underdevelopment of the Third World .
17 It had disintegrated ( in despair , one assumed ) many years ago , but Dorothy continued to bawl furiously at passing vehicles and to write letters to the commanding officer of the local airbase , who returned each time the same duplicated reply of infinite courtesy and obscurity .
18 Eurotunnel , where fears of another refinancing continued to eat away at the share price , and MEPC stood out as the only Footsie stocks to fall , off 1 at 402p and 2 at 286p respectively .
19 He does accept , however , that automation will continue to eat away at jobs and leave top executives with agonisingly difficult decisions and that this is bound to make their jobs more stressful .
20 One lane , often heavy traffic , tends to stop while the other continues to rush past at speed and the pedestrians ' view is obscured by the heavy traffic .
21 Calmer now that the crisis was past , she continued to gaze steadily at the inspector 's weary , intelligent face .
22 There was a long silence as Dodson and I looked in surprise at the farmer who continued to gaze fixedly at the cow .
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