Example sentences of "need for [noun sg] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The estimated needs for education differ simply as a result of differing proportions of the total population being pupils .
2 Outside the pastoral regions lay the classic cultures of the central tableland — cereals , olives , and vines ; its agrarian history is the history of shifts from one of these crops to another where local needs for food permitted a response to market conditions .
3 Circumstances may be such that you find it difficult to get your needs for status met at work .
4 If it becomes a question for the County Council to actually refund it then I think the report is right in that we must consider whether the needs for traffic calming here are any m higher or lower than other requests for traffic calming elsewhere in the county because you will be aware there are an awful lot of requests for traffic calming .
5 This need for evidence arises because the world is inherently uncertain .
6 The inexperienced advice worker thus need no longer feel a burden on colleagues , as the need for support has formally been recognised .
7 Indeed , in the absence of titillating and embarrassing revelations , the need for anonymity becomes less pressing .
8 A number of these things that I have already raised this morning are perhaps are , er primary phase issues rather than secondary but we must remember that the pressures on secondary schools continue as in the primary phase and finally another concern which you are all very well aware of and which particularly if you 're governors you will have drawn to your attention constantly is erm the continuing concern about our educational building stock both in terms of its adequacy as regards the size and the capacity of the accommodation at , where some schools are concerned its need for repair and maintenance work and its need for adaptation to meet the new demands of the curriculum .
9 The illusion of an automatic tabula rasa also undermines the need for society to reflect on the consciousness that evolved under the conditions of the past 40 years .
10 This prospect has led to a retrenchment in state pension provision and an emphasis on informal caring systems , two attempts to reduce the need for society to foot the bill of its ageing population .
11 Since communism as well as ‘ socialism ’ has been forever assigned to history 's dustbin , there appears no pressing need for society to come to terms with just what that system was or how it continues to manifest itself .
12 Though at the very beginning of his political ‘ career ’ , Hitler had emphasized the need for anti-Semitism derived from ‘ reason ’ , not pure ‘ emotion ’ , there were — as is well known — no measures in the ‘ Jewish Question ’ which were too extreme for him , except on occasions where tactical considerations prevailed .
13 Today the links between the Black and Irish communities are many , and the need for unity has never been more urgent .
14 The Middle East International of Nov. 23 reported that during an address to the Knesset foreign affairs and defence committee on Nov. 19 , Shamir had specifically linked the territories with the need for space to absorb immigrants from the Soviet Union .
15 Perhaps it was the need for stability to offset the ‘ Whads ’ sterility but , remarkably , Homstat remained with the club until 1968 .
16 Perhaps in one or two places the Trust was too assiduous in its clearance operations , but by 1990 the need for restraint to avoid unnecessary ecological damage was well recognised .
17 ‘ We 've called our campaign off as a quid pro quo for their accepting the need for legislation to control the conservation of energy . ’
18 The need for legislation has always been resisted by government and employers .
19 The one and only good thing that fluoridation has done is to provide an illustration of the urgent need for legislation to prevent the use of public money , the machinery of government , and the time of public servants for promoting private interests at the public 's expense .
20 Arguably , the growth of headhunting in Britain stemmed from the success of the sales and publicity efforts of individual headhunters themselves , operating in newly responsive market conditions where a need for change had already been recognised .
21 What can be adopted at a slower pace is the implementation of T.Q.M. practices , and the tools and techniques , but the experience of those in the USA is that the dire need for change brought about the most successful results .
22 Neither in the production of variations nor in the elimination of disadvantageous variations is there any reference to an ‘ end ’ of producing ‘ fit ’ or successful species : the probability of variations occurring , or of a particular variation occurring , is independent of the need for change to produce a better ‘ fit ’ between organism and environment , or of that variation being successful .
23 The need for change hinges on the state of the city coffers .
24 It is the fault of this government and past ones that have allowed people to train in narrow , restrictive fields , and now , when the need for change arises , we are not in the position to do so .
25 Now , when the need for change arises , we are not in the position to do so .
26 Even though the need for change has been clearly stated and the encouragement to change comes from the highest political levels , the systems through which health care are delivered are traditional and conservative and may not support an individual through changing policies and roles .
27 Familiarisation of all health care workers with changes in policy and the background of research and development and aims of policy would eliminate some of the frustrations and create a more supportive environment for Health Care Workers who are involved in implementing new policies acknowledging the need for change to meet the new challenges .
28 A genre that had grown out of the need for sensationalism did seem to be striking chords at a time of economic insecurity when cities seemed places of dislocation and when , if nothing else , there was a curiosity about how law-breakers operated .
29 But the need for solitude to pull herself together was too imperative .
30 And now , when the need for warmth brought them nearer together again , the second evil arose once more .
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