Example sentences of "need for any [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Madam Deputy Speaker , erm there 'll be no need for any pruning from the chair because I had just mentioned the word banks at the very point that you madam speaker , got up and I can assure that er pruning would not be in order .
2 The first is the Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents of 5 October 1961 , a convention which has been ratified by the United Kingdom and implemented without the need for any legislation .
3 There is no need for any concern at the present time but the problems have got to be addressed because they wo n't go away .
4 The Know-all does n't , at heart , see the need for any discussion at all .
5 However , some of the newer camcorders apply automatic correction for backlight without the need for any button-pushing , so tilts or pans into backlight can be successfully undertaken without spoiling the shot .
6 For the next eleven years , the country was under the effective control of the army , and as its commander-in-chief , Oliver Cromwell , and most of his fellow officers were far from convinced of the need for any state church , and firmly opposed to any compulsory religious system , Presbyterianism was consigned to a limited and localized presence .
7 I repeat that there is no need for any school budget in Northumberland to be cut .
8 I repeat that there is no need for any school budget in Northumberland to be cut at a time when its overall expenditure can increase by 5.4 per cent .
9 There 's no need for any school budget being cut . ’
10 There is no need for any defence with me . ’
11 At their most confident , holists expect to supersede the need for any individualist explanations , and thus undertake to provide powerful and wide-ranging social theories .
12 The trade winds weaken , the waters off the Ecuadorian coast are not pushed relentlessly out to sea , there is no consequent need for any replenishment .
13 Between elections the paramount need for any Home Secretary is to maintain the support of his own party members , a task made harder in each of the major parties by the fact that local party workers often hold more extreme views on what should be done than do Ministers .
14 In particular it may be possible to issue common form probate without the need for any court procedure .
15 So far so good , but Mr Grovey then pointed at David Smith ( 'Daz' ) , who without the need for any thought whatever said , ‘ Let's all throw our shoes at Mr Grovey . ’
16 The truth was , she thought with a pang , that since Paul had ceased to be part of her life she had n't felt the desire or the need for any kind of social life , apart from the occasional visit to a pub with colleagues .
17 More precisely , their nominal faith in God was supported and accredited by a closed system of mutual human honouring which made the need for any honour from God superfluous .
18 There is a clear need for any judge or court intending to exercise the wasted costs jurisdiction to formulate carefully and concisely the complaint and grounds upon which such an order may be sought .
19 When it had been examined and test-flown by the manufacturer 's pilot prior to the revalidation of the microlight 's Permit to Fly both wingtip adjusters had been set at the neutral position with no apparent need for any change .
20 Erm , we need to be convincing in challenge , otherwise the challenge , erm , we should question whether there is a need for any change , erm , if things have been done in a certain way for a certain period of time , erm , just because we want to change them , does n't mean to say that it does n't
21 There is little need for any work on the floor which retains its original thirteenth-century mortar .
22 There is no need for any nation , however great , leaving the Empire , because the Empire is a commonwealth of nations . ’
23 For the verbs which accompany clausal adjectives , however , there is no need for any compatibility at all ( although it may happen to occur if the verb also takes simple objects ) , since the noun phrase here has no direct relation to the verb which it follows but is simply one of the elements assembled within the opaque frontiers of the clause .
24 General Hassan al-Nakib , formerly deputy chief of staff in the Iraqi army , argued there would be no need for any war if Mr Hussein were removed from power .
25 If one were to choose to operate the enterprise under one 's own name there would be no need for any formalities to be observed .
26 PENNINE and Royal of Scotland have developed ROYNET , a software system , which eliminates the need for any device other than a standard electronic point of sale till for processing credit and debit cards .
27 Therefore there is a real tradeoff involved , between the need for any bonus to he relatively generous when compared with a flat salary , and the need for there to be some bonus element .
28 There is no need for any criterion for the relevance of facts which is not implicit in the formula itself .
29 The advantage of this method is that there is no need for any conversion from one set of figures to another .
30 Sounds feasable , I think the official FFL send out weekly stats to the league secretaries , so there would be no need for any research .
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