Example sentences of "door and [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 It was nice , however , to walk through the front door and retire to my bed , I was home and I had survived .
2 They went round the back door and got to John Smith and they got the chief whip and got the chairman of the party and had a rerun of the vote two weeks later .
3 She crawled back to the door and got to her feet , taking a deep steadying breath as she reached for the handle , grimacing slightly as she eased it open and stepped through the doorway , sending up a silent prayer that no creaking floorboard would announce her presence prematurely .
4 Sophie opened the door and walked to the lift .
5 He kicked open the door and rushed to the far end of a large room .
6 Yeah but they just comes up to the door and says to her we 're going away now .
7 He 's just got inside the house when they knocked on the door and asked to breath-test him .
8 He looked at me as I walked through the door and looked to the Gendarme as if to say , Is this him ?
9 The Persian closed the door and went to the big mirror on one wall .
10 This is a situation where you can not knock on a door and hope to be immediately granted the favours you seek .
11 They stood in the darkness behind the open door and listened to the foots steps .
12 Paxford says — ( I close the door and go to bed ) .
13 Mr Wood came to the door and spoke to Tony 's mother .
14 He put his head round the door and spoke to Evans .
15 In the Sermon on the Mount we are told , ‘ ’ When you pray , go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret ; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you . ’
16 He picked up my suitcase and carried it up the last flight , putting it down outside my door and turning to me .
17 The sergeant shrugged , put the bolt on the front door and returned to the office of Police Chief Sam McAggott .
18 Not only does one wonder what embarrassment might have occurred to warrant it but the propriety in not claiming the Ladies ' door and leading to a lavatory in the way the men 's clearly does , is a reminder of the delicacy of those times .
19 We banged on the door and shouted to no avail , and after awhile had no choice but to use the fire stairs .
20 I carried on knocking on the door and begging to be let in .
21 He opens the plane door and drops to the ground .
22 I let that one go as we 'd got to the bathroom and I opened the door and stood to one side to let them in .
23 He ran out through the main doors and looked to his right and left .
24 Their report , ‘ Quality in Traditional Housing ’ , indicated that half the faults concerned the external walls , roofs , windows and doors and related to durability and performance .
25 Chairman Dr. Alan Wilson warned of the ‘ tarmac cowboys , ’ contractors who knock at doors and offer to tarmac drives .
26 Whatever he heard me say , some time later I was led out of the doors and taken to rooms they said were mine , as if they were pleased about it .
27 ‘ Aberdeen crematorium is well run and efficient and it seemed natural to open our doors and explain to the public exactly what goes on during this most important ceremony . ’
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