Example sentences of "sort [prep] [noun] could " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Oh aye — all sorts of things could be .
2 ‘ Try and make her understand that all sorts of things could happen to him ! ’
3 These sorts of points could be brought out by oral work , or through role-play .
4 Now I am not sure how those sorts of issues could be objectively measured and therefore assessed .
5 He would not see his bride before the wedding night so all sorts of pictures could float in the mind .
6 Any sort of publicity could have splashed UNACO across the front page of every newspaper in the world . ’
7 But what sort of work could they do ?
8 Nowadays , that sort of conduct could lead to a social worker 's being asked to take an interest in the child .
9 What sort of mitigation could justify that ?
10 We therefore have to know : what sort of presence could there be of a God to whom there applied none of the limitations that applied to finite human existence ?
11 The right sort of clothing could just save your life .
12 Now if you understand that , if you 're actually targeting , you want to get something into a national paper or local paper or something , you need to think at about your particular item you want to get across and think ‘ What sort of angle could actually be useful for that particular outlet ? ’
13 This sort of activity could be paralleled in many other states .
14 What sort of home could you possibly give her — even if you were suitable as a parent , anyway ?
15 This sort of complacency could have cost me my life .
16 Five years ago , schools were asked to develop their programme of personal relationships so that the right sort of foundations could be laid at an early age .
17 This sort of nonsense could have been fairly innocuous had it not been for the fact that under Napoleon I , the frequent employment of courtiers in great and influential offices of state had led to a gradual isolation of the Emperor , which in turn gave too much power to those close to the throne , many of whom , it should be noted , actively worked against him in the last years of the reign .
18 Erm how did that sort of perspective come about the sort of things could be theirs do you think ?
19 This sort of vessel could well have existed four centuries earlier in the Aegean .
20 This seems to me to be an eminently sensible arrangement , and I think this sort of structure could also work here .
21 This sort of structure could be adapted to the situation where the departing shareholders of Target are willing to accept deferred consideration ( the debentures ) , the managers become or remain shareholders in Target and a venture capital partnership wishes to invest directly in Target .
22 It is a pity that this civilized sort of arrangement could n't have been extended to more cities .
23 Thus a man who could have done all sorts of good things is rendered useless ; and the same sort of outcome could follow in a case involving not one but two men , or a hundred or more , or even a whole branch of a family ( progenies ) or at the same time a whole province — if you 're not very careful ! " ( c. 31 )
24 Have you any idea what sort of people could have taken this and when it could have happened ?
25 What other sort of job could he do erm that
26 And what sort of future could I look forward to ?
27 The principles of electromagnetism had been established by the late eighteenth century , but it was not until the mid-nineteenth century that any sort of measurements could be made of the small currents produced by living tissue .
28 He wanted to prove to himself and to others this sort of crime could be successfully committed .
29 Any sort of boat could have been used to ferry a body to midstream and to put it gently over the side in darkness .
30 I do n't think that he could look after other countries , although the same sort of precedent could no doubt apply for example , the former French prime minister , there 's probably quite a few of them around , could be found to go
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