Example sentences of "probably be the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Well now the third factor , Greater York , has probably been the single most important planning issue for the county council and the Greater York districts over the past ten years .
2 Next to it was a somewhat dilapidated structure that had probably been the cart-shed .
3 I figured the last interview I 'd given them , right after the bombing of Flight 103 , had probably been the root cause of why my life had been turned inside out , and I was n't looking for any more trouble .
4 It had probably been the wish to secure ready cash to pay the troops that was responsible for legislation in 1429 requiring that the entire price of the wool must be paid in gold and silver , and that one-third of the price , in bullion , be handed over to the Calais mint ( 84 , pp.261 , 275 , 279–80 ) .
5 The archbishop of Besançon was summoned through the bishop of Langres ( an intentional slight ) for allowing papal messengers to be captured ; the bishop of Speyer on the same grounds and also for sending one messenger to the gallows ; the archbishop of Tarentaise for crowning Philip ; and the bishop of Passau , who had probably been the draughtsman of the Staufen protest , had a long series of charges brought against him — he had not delivered two million marks to the king of Hungary , he had not paid back the money given him by Richard I for his release — indeed , his crimes were so great , the letter said , that he could have been punished without trial .
6 Secondary sources for A level essays will probably be the work of historians .
7 And the man who wins will probably be the man who sorts out the NSR 's quirky handling .
8 If you must have one , the best choice would probably be the bean burrito — and ask them to hold the extras .
9 The man who will contact you will probably be the aeroplane passenger . ’
10 In the course of time the Mercian kingdom also came to embrace much of the territory , for example , of the Wocensaete or Wreocensaete , who took their name from the Wrekin and dominated the north Shropshire plain , and it would probably be the case , if charter-material had survived for this area of north-west Mercia analogous to that which has survived for the Hwicce , that kings of the Wreocensaete emerged in varying degrees of dependence on or subjection to the Mercian ruler .
11 Moinet would probably be the chauffeur in this grand household .
12 The only beneficiaries would probably be the lawyers .
13 He will probably be the England regular in futher
14 Yours will most probably be the arms she needs at this point , and the best thing you can do for her is to show that you share her grief , and that as far as possible you are going to be the rock on which she can lean while the sands of her life are shifting so frighteningly beneath her feet .
15 I I mean er I doubt whether we 'll we 'll have a full slate in February anyway so I mean they 'll probably be the option for people to come in later and we 'll probably end up co-opting people later and er I think we should
16 And it was a sad end to what will probably be the final F1 appearance for some time by two of the sport 's greatest protagonists .
17 Of course not , in fact it will probably be the reverse with even higher fares , less if any off-peak services and maybe closures of unprofitable lines .
18 As for us , it will probably be the reverse . ’
19 IF , AS predicted , a right-wing coalition looks set to sweep the Socialists from power after the first round of France 's parliamentary elections on Sunday , the most interesting statistic will probably be the number of people who failed to vote at all .
20 He knew the machine like an old friend ( it would probably be the personality he 'd miss most ) , but he still could n't trust it as much as he trusted himself .
21 Well it 'd probably be the June or July before I went in for this exam , which they did n't hold very frequently and er then I had to pass this exam and that I could leave school in the August , Bank Holiday .
22 Probably being the reason why the locals regarded this particular spot as their own private seaside .
23 I think it probably is the money , for what you get , you know .
24 Indeed , I think that probably is the rival to Lucidas as the demonstration of how the depersonalizing is compatible with the most intense personal involvement .
25 More important probably was the guilt induced by the constant strictures , which made the struggle against one 's wicked urges a constant and exhausting effort of will .
26 I 've only ever really and truly fallen in love once and I did n't manage to make it last , so that probably was the person
27 And Mrs Tuckett had shrieked with laughter because she probably was the sort of woman who laughed loudly in pubs , but would never intentionally hurt anyone , and who would be cut to the marrow when she heard of her only son 's death .
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