Example sentences of "ever [been] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Any soldier who has ever been in a war , ’ he said at the hearings , ‘ truly hopes he will never see one again . ’
2 Have you ever been in a position of authority at school/college/in your social life ?
3 Have you ever been in a situation even remotely like this with family , friends , or working colleagues ?
4 A hundred years before Elizabeth came to the throne no member of the human race had ever been in a position to make a map of the whole world ; civilizations had risen and flourished in different regions of the world but they had little or no idea of their geographical relationship to one another .
5 But I do not think any traveller has ever been in a worse situation than I was then .
6 And li you know , er clean them and starch them and stretch them on frames and Have you ever been in a dressing room ?
7 ‘ Have you ever been in a group and somebody gets pointed at with that awful expression : ‘ She does very well for 79 . ’
8 It 's erm when you start a car , have you ever been in a car when someone 's started it up in gear and the car moves forward ?
9 ever been in a car !
10 ‘ No , not like anything that has ever been in the world before . ’
11 Hence , a political economy of the urban is scarcely more plausible now than it has ever been in the past .
12 ‘ It was a process of necessity , really but , since it was just me and a Portastudio , it was the first time I 'd ever been in the position of being able to write and record without any kind of pressure from anyone else .
13 Most modern houses have very little fortuitous ventilation because improved standards of insulation and draught-proofing have made them much more air-tight than they have ever been in the past .
14 Suddenly it felt dark and oppressive in the little office , heavy with all the unhappiness there 'd ever been in the Demdyke house .
15 At a wider level , in relation to society as a whole , it might equally be questioned how dominant collectivism and state provision have ever been in the US .
16 Have you ever been in the house ? ’
17 Ever been in the force ? ’
18 They 're much more sophisticated than they 've ever been in the past .
19 Imagine his surprise , therefore , when he discovered that not a single German he met had ever been in the Nazi Party , let alone had even heard of a concentration camp .
20 Have you ever been in the sauna at er Woodbridge ?
21 Have you ever been in the office ?
22 Cassock and surplice , a black cassock and white surplice once I told you that my grandmother was once living with us , she used to delight in washing my surplice and ironing it up except me when I was singing in the choir , I did n't take a , the treble solos , that was after the choir used to sister of ours at least oh twenty men , and as many lads and youths the as I say Johnny was in the choir there was er the two brothers and there was Dick was a incense boy and his father was a manager to go in the , he used to have a red cassock and surplice , but he used to Dick 's dad was the incense swinger and they used to go about swinging incense and that , I do n't suppose they do that at all now , but er your first job as a choirboy was to pump the organ it , have you ever been in the church ?
23 I should ask you actually which is a , have you ever been in an accident ? , erm hang on a minute , button one for yes , button two for no , have you ever been in an accident ?
24 I should ask you actually which is a , have you ever been in an accident ? , erm hang on a minute , button one for yes , button two for no , have you ever been in an accident ?
25 So in some states it 's sixteen , in some states it 's eighteen , in some states twenty one er and Reagan thought it would be quite a good idea if they had uniformity across America er in which , you know , that they would raise the drinking age to twenty one er and this would then er reduce the incidence of teenage drunk driving and if you 've ever been in an American bar you will know you 're very often funnily enough they do n't ask me so much these days but you 're very often asked to prove your age , you know , er and you have to produce your driver 's licence and all the rest of it erm and so he increasing
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