Example sentences of "process that [vb base] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 His team took rat neurons ( nerve cells ) and grew cell lines in culture to allow them to examine some of the chemical processes that take place .
2 MY APPROACH TO colour mixing is based firmly on the processes that take place within the paint film when colours are combined .
3 Stoichiometric procedures also help the biochemist to follow the metabolic processes that take place in organisms .
4 They are particularly useful in electrochemistry in showing the processes that take place at electrodes ( see chapter 10 ) .
5 Although research has mapped out many of the inter-active processes that cause acid rain , the details are complex and not yet fully understood .
6 The coastal geomorphologist therefore focused upon the processes that control shoreline equilibrium and the significance of long-shore currents and sediment transport , of wave activity in relation to the swash , nearshore and offshore zones , and to the less-studied influence of tides and of impulsive events such as tsunamis .
7 If you would like to know more about the people and processes that keep water running for you 24 hours a day , why not send off now for the comprehensive free brochure below .
8 The main outstanding issue in perception , including visual perception , concerns the processes that combine information about the attributes of a particular scene into a representation of the object that gave rise to the image , sound or pattern of touch .
9 Together , these two concepts of ‘ closure ’ and ‘ reproduction ’ demand that we integrate our understanding of economic processes that allocate people to certain positions in a hierarchy with an understanding that such positions also depend on people 's perception of class , their sense of class culture , the culturally perceived ‘ pecking order ’ — the higher reaches of which are humorously caught by Les Dawson 's commentary that heads this chapter .
10 Resolution of what fraction has been realized , if any , of the potentially great increase in plant productivity since the LGM demands that effects of [ CO 2 ] on the processes that influence plant growth be understood within an ecosystem context and over relevant periods .
11 We have seen that , if students ' freedom to learn is to be a reality , it has to be acknowledged by the academic community in all the academic processes that affect students , from the time of applying for admission through the course arrangements and the curriculum experience to the final assessment .
12 In a major review of nicotine addiction , the US Surgeon General concluded that ‘ the pharmacologic and behavioural processes that determine tobacco addiction are similar to those that determine addiction to drugs such as heroin and cocaine ’ [ 2 ] .
13 The method of investigation involves timing the mental processes that underlie recognition , for example by measuring the speed with which a reader can decide whether a string of letters forms a familiar word .
14 Furthermore , body measurements at birth are only proxies for variables more closely related to the processes that underlie programming .
15 The processes that generate patterns during development are almost certainly more complex than Zhabotinsky 's reaction , or the process imagined by Turing , or the generation of a gradient by synthesizing a substance at one point and destroying it at another .
16 The processes that generate information about an object within a museum are many and varied , raising problems of both theory and practice , particularly when a major institution considers computerising this information .
17 What we 're finding is that the discoveries in interstellar space are making us try new experiments and erm try and reproduce these conditions , perhaps in the laboratory , and then go on to discover new molecules in space and understand the processes that give rise to the molecules .
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