Example sentences of "kind [prep] [noun pl] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It is essential that we should maintain both our sensitivity and our effectiveness , if we are to protect and watch over the interests of the people we work for and provide the kind of services they need .
2 The new regimes , of course , differed widely in the kind of problems they had to confront .
3 The following selection should illustrate the kind of problems we use .
4 I was wondering what kind of problems I 'd come up against , having heard how impossible he was to be directed .
5 ‘ I 'd like to know exactly what the emotional implications are of having a sexual relationship — the kind of problems you have or mistakes that get made , ’ says David .
6 There had to be freedom of association — that is , freedom to form political parties , and freedom to form the kind of associations we now know as pressure groups , whose purpose is to bring to bear on parties and on governments the combined pressure of the interests they represent .
7 No matter what kind of horrors you 've suffered , as time passes there 's only one thing that it 's every possible to do : carry on .
8 Sarah was a beautiful , sensual woman and she aroused in him the kind of emotions he had always condemned as sinful in others .
9 ‘ Your front-of-house boys do n't have the authority to deal in the kind of quantities I 'm interested in .
10 He knew the kind of tragedies they were .
11 A police force is selecting new recruits with the help of videos showing them the kind of incidents they might have to tackle .
12 A police force is selecting new recruits with the help of videos showing them the kind of incidents they might have to tackle .
13 I had a very strong idea of what I wanted , even through I had plenty of photos : I knew exactly the kind of movements I was looking for , I 'm glad we did it in two — I do n't think the cricketer would 've been very keen to do it again ! ’
14 They were , he said , the kind of documents you eat rather than read .
15 And as the kind of girls you seem to prefer would think a job like mine utterly boring , I do n't see how you can possibly say I 'm just like them .
16 I ca n't im , with not knowing where they live , I mean I ca n't envisage where what kind of houses I mean
17 Look at the kind of questions they get now in History , English , Geography or Social Science — you could n't cram for them , because they make you think on your feet .
18 These were the kind of questions they never gave you in catechism .
19 However , frequently , the kind of questions we want to ask of the data are deeper than would be answered simply by looking at a cross-tabulation .
20 So what did they think of Hollywood 's treatment of the kind of scenes they know so well ?
21 Oh any kind of skins they bought .
22 As their mother lies dozing , one of them will suddenly pounce on the black tassel at the end of her twitching tail , using the same kind of actions it will need to pounce on a small prey animal in years to come .
23 This form of prayer , then , gathers up all our experiences and takes them to the King of Kings , and we think about them in his presence — all the hurts , all the joys , all that stops us becoming the kind of persons we feel called to be .
24 try as one might , one ca n't change the group , but , but clearly these are not th the examples that Freud chooses are really big groups where the kind of factors he 's talking about comes through very clearly because y y you can not explain what happens in the Catholic Church or an army .
25 Talking of reruns Madam er deputy speaker , er I almost feel I 'm involved in a series of reruns with the er with the minister himself because er in a series of bills er committees in the eighties , standing committees on the building societies bill , on the banking bill , on the financial services er bill , as they all were , er he was speaking at that time er in favour of more effective regulation , backing the votes of this side er for kind , the kind of policies it 's introducing today .
26 ‘ With the kind of cut-backs we have been doing , we have been incurring substantial reorganisation costs and profitability has been difficult to achieve , ’ Mr Mair said .
27 As we listen to these phrases that rolled so easily off the tongue , and which have also rolled on down through history to our own time , we must make a special effort to remember very carefully just who the men were who engineered the Garotter 's Act — what kind of men they were ; what kind of times they lived in ; and what forces helped to shape their upright moral certitude .
28 Over ten years ago Breton and Wintrobe warned that ‘ it is not clear that the behaviour of bureaucrats would be and what kind of models we would be churning out if government revenues were not increasing automatically ’ ( Breton and Wintrobe , 1975 , p. 205 ) .
29 There may be surprises , but they are woven into the fabric , the kind of surprises you live with .
30 The kind of games you played ?
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