Example sentences of "sit up [coord] take " in BNC.

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1 If it had been a Peter Reid type , someone who battles and fights his way through every game as if his very life depended on it , I might have sat up and took a little bit more notice .
2 Ocean needs to keep plugging away , expanding its environmental and distribution interests to really get the City to sit up and take notice .
3 ‘ You have to sit up and take notice of his great knowledge about the game .
4 When a highly qualified professional makes such a dire prediction , one has to sit up and take notice .
5 She appealed for society to sit up and take notice of problems faced by young people driven from home by sexual abuse , violence or neglect .
6 In that case , big firms and their insurers would have to sit up and take notice or pay the consequences .
7 He envisaged a Soviet return to the position of leading exporter of grain as something that would make ‘ Messrs Imperialists ’ sit up and take notice .
8 Campaigning groups have served to shine a spotlight on many of the world 's diminishing rainforests and are making the guilty West sit up and take note .
9 Yet when another child is attacked , they sit up and take notice .
10 That 'll make both your beaux sit up and take notice . "
11 Well , he would make them all sit up and take notice .
12 Talk turns to a familiar theme — the failure of the city to support new ideas , the segregation of black and white music , how difficult it is for dance music to get substantial airplay — most of all the struggle to make the rest of the city sit up and take notice of its thriving techno scene .
13 Mostly our air arrives from the west which is why we sit up and take notice of the weather in America , although actually it can change a great deal on the way over here .
14 I just hope people sort of sit up and take notice of it .
15 I never dreamed I 'd actually be sitting up and taking nourishment so soon — and enjoying it . ’
16 His North Sea assault gave the environmentalists a powerful and unique spokesman ; it made the government sit up and take notice ; and it speeded up the long and painful process of making the public aware that there was a very real problem to solve , which was going to involve personal sacrifices .
17 Instead we have the politics of statistics , and unless a citizen has a pocket calculator at hand with which to check the figures being bandied about , he is virtually disenfranchised — until , that is , something is said which makes him sit up and take indignant or enthusiastic notice .
18 ‘ The Ukrainian Peel sessions actually made me sit up and take notice .
19 Now for those of us that have been slightly biased by the dubiously titled ‘ Warehouse Raves ’ compilations that Rumour have been responsible for in the past , well we can not sit up and take note , because here comes their most exciting release for as long as I care to remember ( sorry Rumour ! ) .
20 ‘ Am I Not Your Girl ? ’ is Sinead 's third album , and even though not one single song is written by her , it is every bit as confessional , as painfully honest , as her first two — that 's why you must sit up and take notice .
21 Only when extroverts began breaking bricks in public , and demonstrating full-contact karate , did Americans sit up and take notice .
22 " That would 've made him sit up and take notice , Joey , would n't it ? "
23 When ordinary men and women are fired by the Spirit to bear witness to ‘ a Lord who pardons and loves , a Lord who is just as powerful as the landowners , the mine-managers or the trade union secretaries , because he is God , a God who desires to be called Father , and who treats the most wretched of men as his son ’ ( d'Epinay ) then people will sit up and take notice .
24 If that does n't make him sit up and take notice … one of the voices in her head started to say until she firmly clamped down on it .
25 But they certainly catch local attention and make people sit up and take a look .
26 Stan Wood is a shining example of that proud Scottish tradition — a self-made man , the archetypal Scot who makes the world sit up and take notice .
27 It washes over your head without making you sit up and take notice .
28 I hope that people will sit up and take notice of it .
29 Now one can say well what are we aiming for in terms of the sexual harassment free environment , and I think that what one would be aiming for is if not the atmosphere of a girls ' convent school one 's certainly aiming at an environment where women can work and study and interact without the sense of being constantly on display as sexual objects , and , you know , to that extent I do n't know if it is the case that a large number of the respondents are saying , you know , ‘ I have come from an environment when I have n't had to deal with this before , and I do n't expect to have to deal with it ’ then we should certainly sit up and take notice of that .
30 He sat up and took a piece of mud-coloured rag out of his pocket and wiped his face .
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