Example sentences of "sit [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But it sits uneasily with the often-heard principle that ‘ local services should respond to local needs ’ .
2 At first sight this degree of fluidity in the Japanese labour market sits uneasily with the presumption that employment is for life because this would make wages a quasi-fixed cost .
3 The unit tries to keep the offenders out of court , an aim that sits uneasily with the government 's new philosophy that prison and punishment work .
4 This power , while it is comfortable in the context of this poem sits uneasily with the images of nature and creative forces proposed in the Eolian harp , This Lime Tree Bower My Prison and Frost at Midnight .
5 Additionally , bargaining is a closed , private activity which sits uneasily astride the current emphasis on open government and public participation .
6 But the traditions and conventions of scepticism and proper doubt sit uneasily with the current politics of commitment and conviction , whether of the left or the right .
7 The businessmen brought in to run the Councils have been frustrated by the tight operating and financial practices imposed by the Department of Employment Such practices sit uneasily alongside the entrepreneurial freedom that business leaders are used to ( see Guardian , 23 March 1990 ) .
8 To put this more concretely , there can be legitimate arguments about the nature , quality and function of a listener 's response to the actual sound and structure of , say , an Elvis Presley or Bing Crosby song ; what is not legitimate is to move this ‘ thrill ’ , however defined , bodily across the theoretical topography so that it sits wholly under the sign of commodity-fetishism .
9 But I am still going to sit right at the back of the aeroplane away from you !
10 We go downstairs and sit side-by-side on the sofa .
11 However , unless I want junk food from one of the many establishments purveying it in this thoroughly commercialised station , all I have available to sit on in the huge concourse is a grubby metal flip-up slat a few inches wide .
12 For example , Pete Coleman had to carry a shooting-stick for Greg Norman to sit on in the 1982 Australian Open , and in Zambia a caddie I saw on my Safari Tour travels carried an extra that could have proved an even bigger life-saver than the carrots that are pulled out of the bag by Sam Torrance 's caddie Malcolm Mason ( the carrots are supposed to calm Sam down on the greens ) : the Zambian caddie was carrying President Kaunda 's bag in a pro-am , and surreptitiously tucked away was a gun , just in case somebody tried to assassinate the golfing president while he decided on a four- or a five-iron .
13 The girl then had to sit nervously on the edge of the sofa — there were n't many chairs — while the guest stretched himself , yawning , naked and sweaty .
14 A former bus driver is staging an all night sit in outside the offices of a training organisation he claims forced him out of a job .
15 And significantly , her boss and colleague sit in on the trial , revealing their emotional investment in what 's at stake .
16 Erm it was actually somebody who came for an interview and you know how you sit in on the presentations when you do the group presentations ?
17 sit in on the public
18 I sit down to the table , and watch me , real men are n't like that are they ? and it locks
19 Guests are often late and rarely sit down at the table on time .
20 The temptation and the suspense novel , a book in which a high degree of identification both from intellectual curiosity and emotional involvement is necessary for the writer as much as the reader , is to catch hold of some intriguing initial situation , sit down at the typewriter and go racing ahead from there .
21 Please sit down at the table .
22 There 's plenty here , so if you clean yourself up and sit down at the table I 'll put something out for you too .
23 And there 's another sort of things now that we do n't hear is when you sit down at the table to eat erm they 're probably the most the hostess would say now would be , Help yourself .
24 Have your partner sit down on the mat , extending one leg and flexing the other .
25 I sit down on the floor next to Marie and look round .
26 I sit down on the bench and look up at the sky .
27 Then lie or sit down on the nearest piece of furniture , try to keep warm and wait calmly for help to arrive .
28 I sit down on the edge of the chair and put my arm around her .
29 Again , change hands , push the tiller to where you were sitting , watch for the boom , as it swings across , straighten up and sit down on the new side .
30 Mandy rushed over , and made her sit down on the couch .
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