Example sentences of "once the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Community policing was once the normal form of policing in the United Kingdom , but the increasingly bureaucratic and professional nature of policing unintentionally yet progressively separated the police from the community , leading to more anonymous and impersonal contacts between them ( see Ericson 1982 : 24 ) .
2 Rolf Hüppi , Zurich 's chief executive since 1991 and once the prime mover behind its multinationals business , sees a day of reckoning ahead for Europe 's 4,000-plus insurance companies .
3 Eventually it receded leaving the fertile marshlands stretching for more or less ten miles to the wolds , whose now gentle eastern slopes were once the exposed chalk cliffs .
4 The streets and bars were deserted , and for once the incessant noise and bustle had abated .
5 It was not long before disagreements emerged between Fatah and the NGC , particularly once the radical mayors Shak'a and Khalaf emerged as leaders of the NGC , to the detriment of a more accommodationist tendency .
6 It stated : ‘ Although the voluntary system , as we have shown , was once the chief form of collective action outside the Poor Law , it can now best be seen in terms of the ways in which it complements , supplements , extends and influences the informal and statutory systems ’ ( p. 26 ) .
7 The small town of Saint-Palais , up the road from Harambels , was once the chief town of French Navarre and it still has its moments architecturally , though it is a little character less overall .
8 I believe it was once the private property of Tsar Nicholas .
9 If it is not considered appropriate or possible to lodge an early Tender , then once the necessary information or Medical Report is available , the Tender should be lodged as soon as possible thereafter .
10 This is particularly true in the case of recovery of monies under the Consumer Credit Act where a large volume of recovery can be handled once the necessary styles and parameters have been determined .
11 Fifth , that the internal social conditions of a metropolis , combining at once the metropolitan concentration of wealth and the internal pluralism of its metropolitan-immigrant functions , create especially favourable supportive conditions for dissident groups .
12 At once the tiny girl was crushed in a one-armed embrace from Richard that almost unbalanced them both .
13 In the classroom , where once the tidy scholars applied themselves diligently in their neat rows of desks , there is a carnival of disrespect .
14 When Ian Paisley calls the Pope ‘ the Antichrist ’ , he is not just picking a choice term of abuse from the Bible , but referring back to what was once the mainstream Protestant and Anglican belief that the papacy does play one of the most important parts in sacred history and the Romans are absolutely mistaken about which .
15 At once the kneeling statues came to life .
16 He will have a suite of apartments in the four-storey building , which was once the official residence of his mother .
17 Political faction had become far more pervasive because the Reformation raised the temperature of Scottish politics , which now took on a focused European dimension , and because once the strong rule of James V had gone , men without the aura of royalty had to struggle with religious and political problems that they had never experienced before .
18 The aristocrat 's furniture was an elaboration of the middle class 's , where once the middle-class interior had been a reduction of the aristocrat 's .
19 The great Dust Bowl which Maggie has seen only from the air , was once the long flank , the turning of the armpit of a dragon greater than Fenna , the great dragon laid out across the world its tail cooled by the oceans of the Antarctic and its breath , no longer fire , turned to ice around its head in the most northerly places of the globe .
20 Only the Maronites felt able to drink from the cup of French tutelage and even they quickly found that the chalice contained a special , colonial poison , the effects of which would be passed on to future generations ; for by adding such large areas of Muslim Syria to the new ‘ Lebanon ’ , the French ensured that the Christians ' precarious status as the largest religious community would — once the Muslim birthrate increased — be lost .
21 He says : ‘ I think that number will increase once the promised summer tax review is carried out by the new Conservative government .
22 It seems certain that the numbers of suppliers will also decrease once the well-oiled sales machines of IBM and Digital Equipment swing into action next year .
23 The Times ( 30 October 1900 ) would harp on the same theme , announcing that ‘ Every week some incident shows that certain parts of London are more perilous for the peaceable wayfarer than the remote districts of Calabria , Sicily , or Greece , once the classic haunts of brigands ’ .
24 The opposition of Scipio Nasica to the destruction of Carthage figures so prominently in this account by Diodorus — and therefore by Posidonius — because he was thought to have foreseen the possibility of civil war in Rome if Carthage were to be eliminated : " but once the rival city was destroyed , it was only too evident that there would be civil war at home and that hatred for the governing power would spring up among all the allies because of the rapacity and lawlessness to which the Roman magistrates would subject them " ( 34.33.5 transl .
25 It extends to musicians , singers , managers , electricians , waitresses and doormen — all those who supported what was once the major leisure activity in our country .
26 For once the major characters seem like flesh-and-blood creations , and the comedy has a surprising depth of emotion .
27 David Fyfe was once the managing director of MTM but left after numerous disagreements with his boss Lines .
28 But just as the microprocessor and open software standards are gnawing away at the foundations of the mainframe market , so massively parallel machines are beginning to chip away at the monolithic vector machines — once the parallel software catches up with the hardware .
29 This was once the manorial mill of Flaxley Abbey , and a board showing the grinding charges was formerly exhibited at Gloucester Folk Museum .
30 ( Once the Golden Lion Inn )
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