Example sentences of "let they [vb infin] you " in BNC.

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1 Because once you have let them go you ca n't begin to get them back for another five years . ’
2 it sort of er er gave them lee a , ladies leeway who wanted to work after they were married , some married and then could they come back well they could n't keep me on and not let them work you see , so oh yes it was mostly married women , there were a lot of married women there when I left , but erm it sort of set a precedent I suppose for , for them but it did , it did them some good really .
3 Let them tell you , let them paint pictures .
4 If you let them lead you where they want to go , they lead back to this latent content and then you begin to recognize er the latent thoughts .
5 You let them visit you on that night and that 's it .
6 she said you let them treat you like that ,
7 Let everything out into the open and then let them hurt you with it .
8 And if you do n't do that , once you let them go you 've had it , so it is very important .
9 You 're so proud of your bodyguard let them escort you !
10 Let them police you . ’
11 Before the start , just let them know you are there and do n't let anyone crowd you ; try and make as much space for yourself as you can .
12 ‘ And let them know you 're grateful . ’
13 Let them know you 're around and I can say on behalf of the Labour MPs of Nottinghamshire , you 'll have our full support .
14 ‘ Go and join the others , let them know you 're my new bride . ’
15 At least let them know you 're not going .
16 Let them save you from what is
17 By all means let them help you think through the objectives of appraisal and offer forms , cards and folders for documentation purposes .
18 Alternatively contact our Tailor Made Holidays Department on 081–688 9989 and let them help you mix and match a special combination of your own .
19 Let them see you and your company as you are : in that way they 'll believe in you and your people .
20 ‘ I 'm going to get right back to these producers and let 'em know you 're back in the picture .
21 Cornelius had heard tell of bastards and how , if you ever met any , you should be careful not to let them grind you down .
22 And it 's always a good idea to let them think you 've got better enchantments in your armoury than you actually have , if you take my meaning , even if you have n't got any enchantments at all .
23 ‘ It 's nearly as clever to let people think you do n't care as it is to let them think you 're silly .
24 You 'll have to let them know you 've been called up . ’
25 Contact the police once you arrive to let them know you 're looking for him .
26 we 'll have to let them catch you right at the right , where the music tells you too , dum , oh
27 Not surprising , if you 're in the habit of picking up strange young men on canal boats and letting them cuddle you ! ’
28 It gives them an excuse for piling into Deptford , and it lets them target you for a national man-hunt . ’
29 Do n't let them talk you into doing it any other way , I 'm not having anything kinky .
30 We 'll let them talk you out of it Stewart !
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