Example sentences of "let it [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If we do write counterpoint , let it be lucid and expressive , like the lovely canon near the end of the Notturno of Borodin 's String Quartet No. 2 : Here , the violin follows the cello like a mysterious echo , while the inner parts fill in the harmony very simply .
2 If that were to happen , let it be clear that that would be typical of the cynical manipulation by Labour councils of the most vulnerable in our society , and nothing to do with the new council tax .
3 Sir , If you please to send me a scarlet Cardinal [ a short red cloak ] , and let it be full yard long , and rather longer than a yard long , and let it be full , for it be for a large Woman , they tell me I may have a long one , and a handsome one , for 11s but I shou 'd not be willing to give more than 12s , but if you have any as long as that , either duffil or cloth , if it is cheaper , I shou 'd like it as well as , for I am not to give but 12s for it .
4 Sir , If you please to send me a scarlet Cardinal [ a short red cloak ] , and let it be full yard long , and rather longer than a yard long , and let it be full , for it be for a large Woman , they tell me I may have a long one , and a handsome one , for 11s but I shou 'd not be willing to give more than 12s , but if you have any as long as that , either duffil or cloth , if it is cheaper , I shou 'd like it as well as , for I am not to give but 12s for it .
5 I shou 'd like a cloth one best if you please — I beg of your Sir to be so good as not to fail me this Cardinal by Wednesday , without fail , but let it be full yard long I beg , or else it will not do fail not on Wednesday , and in so doing you will very much oblige me .
6 Jesus Christ , let it be dead .
7 ‘ Very like ! ’ he said , knowing it was true , and knowing that he would not hold back so long as to let it be true .
8 He would n't let it be true .
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