Example sentences of "let the [noun sg] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Because they were effecting the repair work themselves it had taken longer to complete than if they had let the Yard do it , but even so the tow had been under way again shortly after noon on the third day .
2 The ball 's he let the ball drop behind him but er he still had a chance to get back on this .
3 A Baker in Mr Clinton 's White House would never have let the education package out .
4 Do you think I would have let the Master grow into the twisted megalomaniac he is if I could have prevented it ?
5 What they did at a branch on our district erm , again it was just like set up , people were given specific tasks , but at the end of the three month cycle , they 'd change some people , er , those people 's tasks so that they , so they would n't get stagnant , and plus , if one person was off , if you happened to be on holiday , you 've got somebody else that can do the job at the standard and not let the standard fall .
6 Why not let the lady answer ?
7 All sectors of ownership are being taken into account : the State ; local authorities ; the church ( excluding the Vatican but including objects held in the churches and convents of the different religious orders ) ; and private individuals ( obviously only if the owners have let the State know what they possess ) .
8 She glared at him in mock severity , glad that he had let the question drop .
9 After the first two movements , after such great torture , all you can do is let the music flow .
10 A more ruthless woman would have let the whole place slide into chaos until he learned to do things for himself .
11 No wonder they had let the army take over this area ; it was worth nothing for farming .
12 He had let the sun go down on his wrath and woken with it .
13 He did have an alternative , he could have let the pound drop lower . ’
14 CORRECTION The statement attributed to Charles Wilson , editor of The Times , saying that Chancellor of the Exchequer should have let the pound drop lower , was in fact made by Sir David English , editor of the Daily Mail .
15 A statement on page two of The Independent yesterday , attributed to Charles Wilson , editor of The Times , saying that the Chancellor of the Exchequer should have let the pound drop lower , was in fact made by Sir David English , editor of the Daily Mail .
16 Why Colonel Qaddafi should have let the group go to Israel is a mystery .
17 The Conservatives had clearly let the economy overheat for electoral advantage in 1955 , but as soon as the election was over , clamped down with a credit squeeze and requests to trim expenditure below the agreed levels .
18 It was ridiculous to have let the tank get so low but they had had an argument only three days earlier on whose turn it was to call at the garage and pay for the petrol .
19 And he certainly had n't let the grass grow under his feet !
20 In these circumstances , a less dedicated man than Anselm would have let the matter rest , and hoped to end his days in peace .
21 We should never have let the world think I wrote them .
22 That had let the world pass away —
23 She had let the fire go out since even the soft fall of ash , the spit of a sudden irritable flame , the shifting of branches in the course of their own attrition filled her ears with restless noise and muffled what might be sounding outside : the soft tread of something moving closer , the susurration of something being unsheathed , the breath of someone hissing through his teeth .
24 ‘ You 've let the fire go out , ’ accused Betty .
25 The doors stood open , breathing out incense and heavy soul , and the spirit was that of the market scene in the pantomime when the cast , encouraged by the audience , has let the business get out of hand .
26 She let the champagne touch her mouth , then opened it slightly so that the clean coldness flushed the fatness of her lower lip and spilled from her teeth to her tongue .
27 She let the dress fall , pushing him away gently to slip out of tiny white satin briefs .
28 She let the dress fall and took a shy step towards him .
29 He let the thought pass as the plane came to a halt less than twenty yards away from the limousines .
30 She let the strand slide through her fingers to its full length and lay playing it between them .
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