Example sentences of "talk to [n mass] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You 've got to be able to talk to people on their own level , you get the best out of people if you treat them a certain way .
2 An unemployed lift engineer 's mate , Darren Webb , 25 , of Colchester , also appreciated the opportunity to talk to people about the various training and job schemes available rather than having to rely on leaflets .
3 Some of them are people that erm that I 've generally had contact with , in terms of starting to talk to people about it erm , other people are being kind of , what 's the word , optimistic , with the truth Likes And The Brides for example , erm
4 Erm I do look for opportunities to talk to people about God but I , I certainly think that you have to wait for the right opportunity because , if people are ill or very down , then it often is n't the right time when they 're vulnerable erm to try and erm talk to them about something .
5 Anybody over forty I say it is a legitimate time to talk to people about self employment .
6 ‘ I think in any rural town it ought to be possible to find an hour or so to stroll round , just to talk to people about this and that .
7 that 's what I 'd guessed , erm , so I said no , I said they 're fine , so she said oh I 'm ever so sorry I said do n't be I said these sort of things get around , I mean it 's , she kept go and then I went on to describe how I virtually done not too a dissimilar thing going up the road trying to talk to people about writing in to object , you know with this planning application and erm , I said I sort of knock on someone 's door up there and I thought it was the next door that the husband had died and it was that one
8 The field man has to talk to people from a variety of backgrounds , in a variety of jobs .
9 When I wanted publicity for a young persons ' trip to London , arranged to allow them to talk to MPs of all parties , your paper did not publish the Press release .
10 Young people hoping to work in the bereavement business were being invited to talk to staff at the North Eastern Co-op , in Benwell , Newcastle upon Tyne .
11 Jarvis always talked to people without reserve .
12 He even talked to people without shouting at them .
13 No , last week you probably would have got the little joining letter with map , but you probably talked to people in the branch who may have been there , or you talked to your manager , or you picked up the phone and said , how do I get here , you may have even got the map out if you were driving , to actually see what junction you came off the motorways and things like that .
14 ‘ When I talk to people about how best to protect themselves from attack I always tell them that if they can turn that surprise back on to the attacker they have a better chance of making an escape .
15 ‘ Um , ’ I think I replied and went away to think about it , read about it , talk to people about it , and with people who were doing it .
16 Now they er you know it 's a bit of a bloody , bloody dowdy operation , I mean er , one of the things I try and talk to people about here
17 I had been warned of this , and was therefore able to take the extra engagements in my stride , and to enjoy the opportunity to visit varying institutions and talk to people of all positions on the academic scene .
18 But you talk to people with the fervour of what you want to tell them .
19 You always talk to people like that , what are you talking about ?
20 If you talk to people in the street the majority of people who have young children are certainly saying we need day care , we need opportunities for ourselves erm and are quite prepared , some of them at any rate , to go and say that to their local councillors and to write to their M Ps .
21 Get talking to people over a few drinks ; you 're better than me at that sort of thing . ’
22 No , he 's alright , but I just hate talking to people over the phone .
23 ‘ I 'm doing all this because I believe in Labour and I love talking to people on doorsteps , finding out what matters to them .
24 To do this you will be involved in meeting staff , attending meetings , talking to people on the phone , travelling , discussing , negotiating and persuading .
25 I could say all the right words about Hilda , I 'd learned to do that in the past few days , talking to people on the phone , but I could n't believe in the phrases the way Susan seemed to .
26 Again , talking to people on the site , the topics of quality improvements and quality assurance were part of most conversations on processes within MOPs .
27 The trouble was she was talking to people on camera and you did n't hear anyone laughing or anything embarrassing .
28 It may be worth saying , Tony that Graham 's already talked to officers and it 's worth your while talking to people on the house-to-house duty rota .
29 He said : ‘ In talking to people about the election I have become aware of two areas which concern me deeply and , I believe , compromise the democratic process .
30 ‘ I 've been talking to people about this , 'cos everyone thinks the video is so sexy , you know .
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