Example sentences of "talk [prep] it to " in BNC.

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1 Have to be able to talk about it to the owners tonight .
2 ‘ I wo n't promise to do that , ’ Matilda said , ‘ but I will promise not to talk about it to anyone any more , not even to you . ’
3 It is by no means altogether improbable , for instance , that some ordinary person on the periphery of a murder should be so disturbed by some apparent contradiction of character that he or she feels obliged to talk about it to others involved , and thus gradually comes to unearth the secret of character you have put at the heart of your story .
4 So you 're not to talk about it to anyone .
5 I do n't want to talk about it to you . "
6 It would be equally fatal to talk about it to her Auntie May .
7 I try any watch the production at some time during the week in order to be able to talk about it to the Press .
8 er , now he does n't like to talk about it you see , and I said to him one day look Paul for god sake , oh , he 'll tell his mum , but he does n't like to talk about it to me
9 She talked about it to her twin , and on Martha 's advice tried new ways to please Harry .
10 They talked sex , the way he talked about it to many people with whom he grew close in a working relationship .
11 When you leave work and someone you 're very fond of has died , I talk about it to my mum .
12 Safety inside the Home should concern care staff and also residents , so always talk about it to residents as well as colleagues .
13 I think the more people you talk about it to about it the better , especially people who are in it ,
14 There was no point in talking about it to someone who did not know the personalities involved and could not appreciate the circumstances .
15 She knew that dead people could be kept in this state because the man who lived next door to Mrs MacDonagh worked in an undertakers , and Ellie had heard him talking about it to Mrs MacDonagh .
16 ‘ I was n't ; it was only when I was talking about it to Gina that I thought I ought to come here and tell you . ’
17 Now , one of the ways that you will get better , is talking about it to people , okay .
18 It may help to get an apparently overwhelming worry into perspective if you feel that you can talk about it to your superiors .
19 I would talk about it to your mum , though of course it would be kinder if you did not mention the business about fancy girlfriends . ’
20 You can talk about it to a close friend , though , which very often helps to ease the situation and subsequently make yourself better .
21 He could n't confess it to Florrie ; he could never talk about it to anyone except Josh , who had been there with him — and he was not on very good terms with his brother , these days .
22 ‘ Do n't talk about it to anyone else .
23 She wo n't talk about it to anyone but I 'm sure she 'll find ways of making things easier for you , Mo . ’
24 ‘ And do n't talk about it to anyone outside the shop .
25 She wished she could talk about it to her mother , but that would be fatal .
26 He did n't actually talk about it to me — I suppose he knows me well enough to guess that I 'd have dug in my heels .
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