Example sentences of "talk [pron] out of " in BNC.

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1 All right , we 'll give it another day or two , but I 'm seeing you back home now , and do n't try to talk me out of it .
2 Then she tried to talk me out of leaving — laid on the flattery with a trowel . ’
3 You usually do your darnedest to talk me out of getting involved in this sort of thing . ’
4 ‘ Well , do n't think you 're going to talk me out of having it out with her .
5 They will need to have the skills to talk someone out of another pair of loopstitch socks or convince a lost soul that a key-ring with a thermometer measuring wind-chill factor is not going to change their lives .
6 ‘ Having a good cry ’ , especially while being held by someone who is not trying to talk you out of it , is good , provided doing so does not seriously breach further injunctions about being ‘ feeble ’ and ‘ out of control ’ .
7 I tried to talk you out of it but nothing worked .
8 I 'm not trying to talk you out of anything . ’
9 Damn it , I do n't know why I 'm trying to talk you out of it .
10 They 'll only try to talk you out of going to Czechoslovakia to do this job for me — you know what they 're like . ’
11 ‘ You 'll only need them for your school work , ’ her mother reassured her , also trying to talk herself out of her own dismay .
12 With a sigh , she rolled over and floated on her back for a bit and did her best to talk herself out of her feelings for Guido .
13 Our attempts to talk him out of this merely provoked his scorn .
14 The band and crew have a month to talk him out of it .
15 Try to talk him out of it , like ? "
16 If Fiver 's horrors had kept him above ground all night in the rain , oblivious of cold and prowling elil , then clearly it was not going to he easy to talk him out of them .
17 Bob tried to talk him out of it when they were on their own , at the sandwich bar in the Gates .
18 When Maxim had gone , Agnes said : ‘ You did n't even try to talk him out of it . ’
19 I ca n't be bothered trying to talk him out of taking drugs cos it wo n't work .
20 Paula might look as if butter would n't melt in her mouth but when her mind was made up to something it took a stronger woman than Grace to talk her out of it .
21 She would have told Jacob about her new purpose , but she knew he would see it as another sign of her raving , a sign of some new imbalance , and would try to search for causes , try to talk her out of it .
22 Keep a watch on how much your daughter eats but do n't try to talk her out of dieting altogether — that 's a surefire way to set up a conflict , which will only make the problem worse .
23 ‘ I managed to talk her out of her mission of mercy , ’ André replied , grinning warmly at Alyssia .
24 Najma 's family tried to talk her out of a singing career as not quite suitable for a good Muslim girl , but she persevered and in 1984 won Britain 's Asian song contest on her first public appearance .
25 It took me nearly twenty minutes to talk her out of the loo , finally having to promise that Nevil was not a friend , that he would n't call the police and that there would be no need for Mr and Mrs Binkworthy to know anything untoward had happened that afternoon .
26 See the thing is , what they 've said to me , because I 've been away now for nearly two years erm I 'd have to go back and do all the training again , which is a bit of a pain but its not too bad because I 've done it before sort of thing , she said to me oh yeah when you go I , I might come along and see if I like it , and we can do the training together she said , I manage to put her off that idea , manage to talk her out of that .
27 No we tried to talk her out of .
28 Shit , I 'm trying to talk myself out of it , it 's just when I see her … ’
29 He had talked himself out of his proposition already !
30 He 'd talked himself out of nothing .
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