Example sentences of "able [to-vb] out that " in BNC.

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1 You may be able to work out that He refers to an animate masculine entity , the subject of both clauses .
2 But we 've just said that he should still have been able to work out that his space was curved , even though he could n't see it .
3 In January 1964 , when Hegarty complained about imbalance in corporation employment , Alderman Gerald Glover , for the Unionists , was able to point out that according to the records , ninety-nine appointments out of one hundred were agreed by all members of the corporation .
4 A finance director challenged about the emergence of unexpected cash flow problems may be able to point out that they are due to invoicing delays caused by the breakdown of a new computer system , purchased and installed without sufficient thought and against his advice .
5 I happened at that time to be a Council member , and I was therefore able to point out that Bondi 's listing of observational errors were all taken from well-attested literature .
6 Because of shouting by Opposition Members when I made my statement , I was not able to point out that the increase in the ratio of total Government expenditure to gross domestic product , both central and local , is only half a percentage point next year .
7 When I set myself to search this site , my first little breakthrough came when I uncovered a bronze coin weight ; this was in very poor condition but I was able to make out that it was 17th century in date .
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