Example sentences of "appear to be [that] " in BNC.

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1 Accepted procedural rules appear to be that the person selected must have the support of a majority in the House of Commons ( if need be , after a new general election ) , and that the Monarch must ‘ secure the strongest Government in the minimum time ’ while still observing the need for public impartiality .
2 The solution to ‘ He was not really afraid of any landlady ’ might appear to be that we have here a masked first-person avowal , and that it is simply an indication of Dostoevsky 's boldness that it should be surrounded by authorial statements which are firmly outside and ( so to say ) on top of Raskolnikov in the classical omniscient third-person mode : for example , information about his poverty , irritable frame of mind , withdrawal from society , his ‘ not naturally timorous and abject ’ disposition .
3 The answer , in the light of the Mandla case , would appear to be that the school would be acting unlawfully .
4 Lotze 's own notion would appear to be that in addition to the experience of the touch we have a visual image of the whole body , with one part , as it were , highlighted .
5 Again , the better view would appear to be that an announcement is sufficient .
6 Today , the better view would appear to be that directors owe shareholders fiduciary duties in special circumstances .
7 It is small wonder that Dr Underwood finds it a ‘ little disconcerting ’ as the inference of the inquiry , as far as it has gone at present , would appear to be that it is better for a child to stay in East London sleeping irregular hours in ill ventilated shelters and eating fish and chips than to have fresh air conditions in one of our Camps with regular hours of sleep and plenty of well prepared wholesome food ( in which vegetables fresh from the garden play a large part ) forming a diet balanced in accordance with the best advice obtainable from the Board of Education and others …
8 The clear implication would appear to be that an individual cost-benefit approach is appropriate , with each monopoly situation being judged upon its own merits only after a careful weighing of the gains and losses .
9 The hidden agenda could easily appear to be that " our drama is the least important thing in the school " .
10 The simple explanation would appear to be that Jacques worked in the family business on the rue du Harlay with his father and older brother Jean , Martin 's successor in 1712 , until Jean 's death in 1720 , when , as noted above , the workshop ceased , at which time the remaining stock would have been liquidated for reasons of inheritance .
11 The potential problem would appear to be that any people attracted to the list as a result of these publications may take offence at what/how things are said .
12 The important difference between habituation and conditioning when it comes to context specificity appears to be that the latter involves the recall of associative information whereas habituation requires no more than the recognition of the stimulus as being familiar .
13 The only truism appears to be that the smaller the town the greater the extent of the exchange .
14 Instead , the main ingredient of success appears to be that they have consistently geared themselves to the needs of international trade .
15 The testator 's intention once again appears to be that his daughter 's whole estate should devolve according to the rules of intestacy , and so end in her brother 's eager hands .
16 The answer appears to be that it arrived courtesy of the Romans .
17 The heart of the problem appears to be that this institutional framework is itself founded on a conventional gesellschaft- type representative model .
18 The reason for this appears to be that the territories occupied by red-winged blackbirds in these marshes vary enormously in their quality , specifically in the amount of food they contain .
19 The hypothesis appears to be that we have inherited from our animal ancestors the habit of discrimination , but have added an additional criterion , namely the conscious calculation of relatedness , to the criteria of propinquity , and perhaps physical and biochemical similarity , used by animals .
20 The government position appears to be that if teacher trainers spend enough time in schools , and if student teachers spend enough time alongside experienced ones and their newly expert trainers , the requisite skills will hopefully be acquired by some kind of osmosis .
21 The answer to the key question — what applications will it run — appears to be that it will run unmodified character-based MS-DOS applications , and converted Mac applications , to the extent that any developers are prepared to convert them , and will run on iAPX-86 processors from the 80386 up .
22 The Rapporteur was notably unenthusiastic about this text ‘ que nous n'estimons pas très heureux ’ ; its effect appears to be that a Contracting State can enter an objection to the modes of service provided for in Article 10 ( which would otherwise be available in respect of all Contracting States ) but allow their use in respect of particular , and perhaps especially neighbouring , states .
23 The proper conclusion appears to be that no single theory can underlie all potential agency situations , and that these must be examined on a case by case basis .
24 The end result of interaction appears to be that the longer one survives after myocardial infarct the closer one 's life expectancy comes to match the normal population .
25 The only difference appears to be that in the one case there is consent and in the other there is not .
26 It appears to be that the generally unskilled nature of the labour force helps to determine that the processes of UK industry are , by present international standards , relatively simple and low productivity ones ; the country is locked into comparatively simple technology because it does not have the technical expertise to use technology to the fullest effect .
27 The answer appears to be that such was the traditional day for the ploughman from time immemorial when his team was made up solely of oxen .
28 It appears to be that an agency which has an explicit power or duty to achieve a certain end , ( e.g. good race relations ) , can not exercise it in such a way as to disadvantage a person , unless that person has committed an independent breach of the common law or statute .
29 But since the early 1970s , there has been a great deal of controversy about it and the prevailing mood in the accounting profession appears to be that the system is archaic and needs replacing .
30 The basic theory therefore appears to be that the Communities are a part of the Union , but that there are aspects of the activity of the Union which fall outside the competence of the Communities ; in other words , the widening of the scope of co-operation between the governments of the Member States is not necessarily accompanied by a correlative widening of the powers of the Community or by a deepening of its institutional structure .
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