Example sentences of "together with [pos pn] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Turning her head , she gazed over to where her husband and the two little girls , together with their friend , Kerry-Jane , were busily engaged in filling their buckets with damp sand .
2 Once or twice when she crept down to the turn in the stairs to see if it was safe to go and get something to eat , she was scared back by the murmur of unfamiliar voices , and saw three or four bicycles parked in the hall , leaning together with their pedals tangled in each others ' spokes , forming an intricate barrier to outside .
3 ‘ The half-hundred Italian ruffians who are now rollicking about Whitechapel and Stepney with their stilettoes and bowie-knives ’ , together with their legionnaire friends , could be ‘ got rid of at once ’ through deportation .
4 This , together with their ability to organise clandestine activity and their promises of economic and social reform , helped the Communists to emerge as the strongest party in the first post-war elections in October 1945 , when they won 26 per cent of the vote .
5 Supper is served early for children — although the Continental ones who are used to later hours tend to dine together with their parents in the grand restaurant .
6 In this way the confusions and limitations of the people are demonstrated , together with their reliance upon senses which are more fully developed and exploited than our own .
7 In The Carriers ' Cosmographie of 1637 John Taylor named the usual lodgings of provincial carriers in London , together with their times of arrival and departure .
8 New applicants wishing to apply for these vouchers should write to Her Majesty 's Representative , The Ascot Office , St James 's Palace , SW1A 1BP , before 31st March , stating the full name of those members of their family who require vouchers , together with their ages if between 16–25 years .
9 From the water of chaos summoned by the voice of Thoth came four primordial gods — Nun , Heh , Ket and Amun — in the form of male frogs representing nothingness , infinity , darkness and formlessness , together with their consorts Naunet , Hehet , Keket , and Amunet in the form of four female snakes .
10 A list of the specimens studied , together with their register numbers , and a photograph of each species have been deposited in the Echinoderm Section , BMNH .
11 Contrariwise , of course , the hostility of the former ruling dynasties , the Bourbons and Orléans , together with their connections , frequently expressed itself in adverse manoeuvres designed to embarrass , if not actually to weaken , the ‘ Fourth dynasty ’ in France .
12 In the remainder of the book we survey and discuss the findings of the literature relating to the comparison of national industrial relations systems and their particular aspects in terms of an analysis of the major actors and their organisations together with their activities and interactions .
13 Taking the early references to the Franks together with their origin legends , it seems that we are dealing with a confederacy of peoples long settled in the region of the lower Rhine , and in the river valleys to the east , as far as the Elbe and the Main .
14 The presence of Henry and his sons , together with their army , made a considerable impression on the Limousin , though it is also clear that in the months between June 1176 and October 1177 Richard had effectively wielded power in this region , quartering his Brabançons on monastic estates as he chose .
15 At the same time , the basic insight of Ohmann 's approach continues to have linguistic validity : it is widely held that the basic logical content of a sentence can be represented as a ( set of ) elementary propositions , which , together with their interrelations , constitute its " deep structure " or " semantic representation " . "
16 The system allowed the nobility much more initiative in war than they had enjoyed under Edward I and Edward II , and their wishes and interests , together with their willingness and ability to raise troops , had to be taken into account in planning a campaign .
17 Sometimes listed under shrub roses ( although many are vigorous climbers ) these are natural wild roses , together with their variants and hybrids .
18 At one time this column stretched for some ten miles along the road to Viktring , together with their horses and lorries , supplies and women …
19 I gave him a piece , which to my horror he popped straight into his mouth , for it was surely large enough to kill some half-dozen dragoons together with their horses .
20 On the reverse are details of the marriage of William Charles to Ann Edgar at St Dunstan 's in the West , together with their offspring .
21 They called him a dunce at school , yet he knew all the words of the records on Sweetheart 's wind-up gramophone , and every song Buddie 's friends played when they got together with their instruments in the big downstairs room .
22 The figure is a spectrum similar to those in Fig. 24.8 and shows that there are two basic frequencies ( f 1 and f 2 ) present together with their harmonics and integer combinations .
23 As the director of the Police Foundation , Barrie Irving ( 1984 : 4 ) commented , ‘ Unlike their American counterparts , the British police community , together with their administrators , do not devour large quantities of written material [ and ] if a research project does not produce results which can be acted upon … no amount of careful editing and dissemination will make an impact . ’
24 The operating stage that follows represents a permanent addition of 1000 people , together with their families , and also , most important of all , a substantial financial contribution in the form of the taxes Electricite de France must pay to the parishes .
25 Well I have n't said , her , heard anybody say anything about the grand old tradition of switching on the television set , and I 've a horrible feeling that er that th that the one day in the year when people want to get together with their families probably means switching off the television set .
26 ‘ We hope to have in steam , our own three engines , Elidir , Dolbadarn and Thomas Bach ( Wild Aster to the historians ) , together with their sister loco , Una , owned by our neighbours , the Welsh Slate Museum .
27 Thus they might involve users and ex-users of a variety of health and social services , together with their friends and supporters .
28 The concept of integration as a process implies teaching strategies which will enable children with special needs to learn not only alongside but together with their classmates .
29 Some of the contents of the Linear A inscriptions are accessible , because some of the signs were borrowed , together with their meanings , for inclusion in the later Linear B script .
30 Correspondingly from a practical training viewpoint there developed a more systematic approach to taxonomies of training and of instructional methods together with their inter-relationships .
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