Example sentences of "let [adv prt] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Somehow , the old man had let out a dangerous secret , one which could not be discussed in a room on an Air Force base .
2 Numberless are the ministers who have come to grief at the height of their peroration as a child has let out a deep sigh , articulating the inner feelings of some and distracting into amusement the rest of the congregation who were listening .
3 And when she protested she never lay like that and had proceeded to demonstrate how she did lie , crossing her legs and pulling her knees up , she had let out a high squeal when the side of Sister Mary 's hard hand came across her knees in a whacking thump .
4 Ruth let out a twisted laugh and shook her head in disbelief .
5 Ellen Harker let out a long breath and relaxed visibly .
6 It let out a long clang .
7 She let out a long whistle , and heard him chuckle .
8 He let out a long , shuddering breath .
9 He let out a long breath and raised his hands to cover both ears .
10 He let out a long breath then turned to look at Hitch .
11 Hans let out a long breath .
12 Evans let out a long whistle .
13 Harry let out a long breath .
14 He let out a long breath .
15 He let out a long , gasping sigh .
16 When it slammed behind him she let out a long , shaky breath and felt blindly for a chair , afraid she 'd collapse without some means of support .
17 Robyn let out a long , quivering breath and felt the treacherous ache in her body .
18 She let out a long , sobbing shriek .
19 She let out a long , appreciative sigh .
20 His mouth was hot as it explored her lips , his teeth nipping at her lower lip , sending exquisite frissons along her nerves until she let out a small gasp .
21 And Maurice Skellern let out a gasping laugh , as if the joke had really cheered up his weekend .
22 There was a general gasp and Todger let out a nervous shriek of laughter that sounded horribly like mockery .
23 Jessica grabbed his bursting penis and almost pulled it into her , then threw her legs around him and her arms and crushed him until he gasped , still coming , and then she let out a mighty hoot , a hoot to wake hotel guests two corridors away , she had come as well , once , hard , like a violent convulsion .
24 She let out a weak cry .
25 He let out a deep breath .
26 She let out a deep sigh of relief .
27 Dorothy let out a deep sigh .
28 Ratagan let out a deep laugh .
29 He let out a deep , hungry growl as she bucked and gasped from the shocking sensation , her eyes like a frightened doe 's .
30 He let out a deep sigh .
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