Example sentences of "suggest that it was " in BNC.

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1 It 's possible that some other minor eruptions occurred between 1681 and 1883 , but if they did , there is no record of them , and all of the reports and descriptions made by ships passing Krakatoa suggest that it was quite dormant .
2 REPORTS of America 's Davis Cup win over Switzerland suggest that it was the most repulsively nationalistic sporting event since the Hitler Olympics of l936 .
3 In a truly patronising vein , you suggest that it was technology , the offer of a shiny card with their photo , that attracted Cambodians to register as voters .
4 Rare coloured propaganda photographs suggest that it was of a warm mid-brown shade .
5 " Well , the River Police suggest that it was to weight the body enough to keep it under water , but not to sink it .
6 The 1377 poll-tax returns suggest that it was over three times the size of the largest provincial centres , Bristol and York , almost five times that of Coventry and six times that of Norwich ( 104 , p.1 ) .
7 The deferential tone , and the fact that it 's couched as a letter rather than as a minute , suggest that it was directed to someone outside the Civil Service .
8 20 ) were seen , above , to be comparable at an integral level of stylistic affinity ; but the size and shaping of the tesserae in mosaic 7 , its large areas of background filling in buff-brown tesserae , and the absence of the most significant border decorations visible in mosaics B and C , suggest that it was the work of an essentially different group of craftsmen .
9 The direct and indirect statutory controls over the rules of the SIB and SROs and , in particular , the role of the Secretary of State suggest that it was contemplated that rules which survived their scrutiny would adequately protect investors .
10 Two weeks ago I wrote to the Archbishop of Canterbury suggesting that it was now time for the Church Militant to denounce antibiotics in the same uncompromising terms once used against usury , but I suspect my advice ( admittedly unsolicited ) will go the same way as the seed of Onan .
11 But she quotes approvingly our television critic , Richard Last , a month or so back : ‘ Melvyn Bragg 's controversial A Time to Dance ( BBC1 ) ended on a believably tender note , suggesting that it was his producer or director , rather than the author , who miscalculated the grossness of earlier episodes . ’
12 The nettle — rash cleared up promptly and has not returned , suggesting that it was due to overgrowth of Candida in the gut as the specialist had suspected .
13 It seemed to Annie that no sooner had Tamar arrived in the market hall , than Goodison was by her side , suggesting that it was time they started off for home .
14 The Illington-Lackford type of pottery occurs on 4 per cent of cemeteries and 15 per cent of settlements in East Anglia , strongly suggesting that it was being used for domestic , as well as funerary , use , and it is estimated that undecorated pottery made from the same fabrics outnumber the decorated Illington-Lackford pots by 15:1 .
15 Or schools get very excited by computer-assisted learning , ordering equipment and retraining teachers — only to find that the pupils , so full of enthusiasm three years ago , have totally lost interest , while the ‘ experts ’ are once again suggesting that it was n't such a good idea after all .
16 We are not suggesting that it was a good thing that a flock of kids roosted on Mr Jones 's garden fence .
17 I also remember that on that occasion some cautious , niggly comments circulated , suggesting that it was somehow out of order to rejoice in this magnificent sound .
18 If I showed the slightest sign of taking sides about Bodyline , or suggesting that it was a threat to cricket , my reports would be censored and I would probably be replaced .
19 I do him the credit of suggesting that it was not of his invention .
20 It is also interesting to note that even though the fertility rate of female textile workers was low from the beginning of the period , this was not the case in Preston , probably because the women weavers tended to be married to general labourers rather than to fellow textile workers , again suggesting that it was the occupational status and attitudes of the husband that were more important .
21 ‘ It seems feasible therefore that subinfeudated and honorial vills may have differed in village planning policies … suggesting that it was under honorial administration that they [ regular village plans ] were most likely to be established . ’
22 Dame Sybil earned her everlasting gratitude by suggesting that it was time she retire .
23 In the following days , however , the Argentinian Foreign Ministry , anxious not to impair the improved climate of relations with the UK [ for 1990 restoration of diplomatic relations see p. 37245 ] , toned down Menem 's proposal for arbitration , suggesting that it was one option among several .
24 Yet the Declaration of Rights made no provision for regular Parliaments ; it merely stated that " Parliaments ought to be held frequently " , and even then it was the last demand made in the document , suggesting that it was not a particularly high priority .
25 I think Steve you were you were suggesting that it was only the G three T one .
26 The the reconciliations suggesting that it was n't a good stock take .
27 suggesting that it was a Communist-inspired attempt to reach agreement with the Liberals .
28 No one any longer recalls where this unusual dish had its origins ; indeed some people have been unkind enough to suggest that it was but recently invented by Mr Rory McGurk at the Dehydrated Rambler , on finding himself with too much ageing shepherd 's pie left on his hands .
29 A political commentator of our own day , Paul Johnson , quoted it not long after Major became Prime Minister to suggest that it was also true of him .
30 The defence is too frequent , passionate and uncompromising to suggest that it was all a short-term tactic to confuse .
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